Other minor English usage suggestions:

(repairs: em dash, em dash spacing, and run-on sentence)

"various mathematical facts - no code is given, and the programs
are proprietary software some of which only run on hardware many
years out of date."


"various mathematical facts-no code is given. The programs are
proprietary software, some of which only run on hardware many years
out of date."

On Aug 8, 11:03 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> The version 
> athttp://sage.math.washington.edu/home/was/papers/oscas/oscas-ams-notic...
> has been accepted by the editor for the November NOTICES Opinion column.
> Are there any further comments? We have a day or 2 before sending in the final
> version.
> - David Joyner

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