Re: Negative Uiso in GSAS

2010-03-03 Thread Goutenoire
/~fgouten/RX_data Best Whishes François Goutenoire Le 03/03/2010 17:08, a écrit : Dear all, could someone explain to me the meaning of obtaining a negative Uiso in GSAS? I thought it was always positive...(p. 123 manual) thanks

Re: any good up to date review paper for Rietveld methods?

2010-03-23 Thread Goutenoire
mmend me if you know something "fresher". :) Best regards, Francois. -- Dr. François Goutenoire Laboratoire des Oxydes et Fluorures UMR6010 tel:

Thickness measurement

2010-01-26 Thread Francois Goutenoire
give nothing !!! Does anyone have an idea, or even some reference text on such device (powder diffractometer + collimator + point detection) and applications. Best Whishes, François Goutenoire. -- Dr. François Goutenoire Maître de Conférences, IUT Le Mans Laboratoire des Oxydes et Fluorures

Re: information

2010-01-27 Thread Francois Goutenoire
equal to 1.000 Davide Levy wrote: Dear all, which is the best value for the polarization in GSAS when you have a data collected on 'XPERT diffractometer with a Xcellerator detector? Thank you Davide -- Dr. François Goutenoire Maître de Conférences, IUT Le Mans Laboratoire des Ox

Standard in transmission geometry

2013-10-24 Thread François Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE - Responsable du département Oxydes Tel: FAX: Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM

Toshiba distributor

2013-11-05 Thread François Goutenoire
GOUTENOIRE - Responsable du département Oxydes e-mail: Tel: FAX: Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9

Bond valence calculation of mixed site

2015-05-21 Thread François Goutenoire
mixed site in the CLF file. Or is there another nice program to calculate Bond Valence , distortion, global instability, ... Best regards! -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE - Responsable du département Oxydes e

Strength of spherical harmonic preferential orientation correction

2016-11-02 Thread François Goutenoire
Goutenoire -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans

Tricks for transmission sample preparation between foils

2017-02-08 Thread François Goutenoire
in the center of the circular sample older and if there is also some tricks in order to avoid electrostatic problems. Thank you very much in advance, -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno

Re: Tricks for transmission sample preparation between foils

2017-02-10 Thread François Goutenoire
Thank every one for the propositions. Find here after the result of a test (vaseline + n-heptane) Best Regards, François Le 08/02/2017 13:35, François Goutenoire a écrit : Dear Rietveld users, We are currently using transmission flat

heater system in transmission

2017-03-01 Thread François Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier

Asymmetry peak shape difference between (pellet/powder)

2017-12-08 Thread François Goutenoire
:// Best Whishes, François Goutenoire -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX: Département des Oxydes et

Re: Asymmetry peak shape difference between (pellet/powder)

2017-12-11 Thread François Goutenoire
Why is that? Best Jon On December 8, 2017 3:35:20 PM GMT+01:00, "François Goutenoire">> wrote: Dear Rietveld users, We observe an unusual asymmetric peak shape on pellet and

Mixed refinement Topas example

2018-11-02 Thread François Goutenoire
wavelength. Thanks in advance. -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures

Jana2006 example TOF_HRPD_ISIS

2019-02-14 Thread François Goutenoire
, François Goutenoire -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut

Occupancy factors for mixed site in TOPAS

2019-02-19 Thread François Goutenoire
, François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des

Re: Occupancy factors for mixed site in TOPAS

2019-02-20 Thread François Goutenoire
Thanks to every one. It was not so difficult in fact . Best whishes, François Le 19/02/2019 à 11:02, François Goutenoire a écrit : Dear Rietveld users, One more question ! I am unable to find the way to constraint occupancy factor for mixed sites in Topas in GUI mode. Sorry for this basic

Fullprof multi pattern (TOF + RX)

2019-02-22 Thread François Goutenoire
GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen F-72085 Le Mans Cedex

Bond Valence Restraints in Topas

2019-03-07 Thread François Goutenoire
:// If some one have used such restraint ? Best whishes François Goutenoire -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX

Re: Bond Valence Restraints in Topas

2019-03-07 Thread François Goutenoire
743 29.045 {r1=Sumj(sij)-Vi, %dev=100abs(r1)/Vi} Deviation from the Equal Valence Rule (r2): 0.332 {r2=>rms} I need now to see the penalties !! need also some help ! Best whishes, François Le 07/03/2019 à 16:03, François Goutenoire a écrit : Dear Rietveld users, especially Topas users, I

Helping system for heavy load

2019-04-18 Thread François Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université du Maine

IRF file in Jana

2020-11-25 Thread François Goutenoire
GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier Messiaen F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9

Hyper-Lorentzian effect on quantitative analysis

2021-03-03 Thread François Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: Tel: FAX: Skype Entreprise visio conférence Département des Oxydes et Fluorures Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Université du Maine - Avenue Olivier

Re: Hyper-Lorentzian effect on quantitative analysis

2021-03-04 Thread François Goutenoire
 Dear Rietveld users, Thank you very much for all your responses, it will help us move forward on the subject. Unfortunately, I cannot say more because of an NDA. But it still looks very interesting from a fundamental point of view. Best whishes, françois Goutenoire Le 03/03/2021 à 18:47

C60 orthorhombic structure

2021-09-24 Thread francois Goutenoire
011 Ang, b=25.582 Ang. c=10.003 Ang. Space group Pbnm but there is not atomic position in the paper. Best regards, françois Goutenoire -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail: francois.gouteno...@univ-lem

Re: C60 orthorhombic structure

2021-09-24 Thread francois Goutenoire
Dear Rietveld users, Sorry for the mistake, the paper was published in 1991. I put the paper in the link http:\\\~fgouten\C60 From the previous answer it seems that it is not really realiable. Best wishes françois Goutenoire Le 24/09/2021 à 12:05, francois Goutenoire a

Commercial contact GE for X-ray tube

2021-12-02 Thread francois Goutenoire
Dear Rietveld users, I have lost my commercial contact to buy an X-ray tube from GE. Does any one can help me ? Best wishes François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno...@univ

Variable Step Size reference

2022-04-04 Thread francois Goutenoire
). Is there any good paper about this VCT -VSS (Variable Step Size) methodology ? Best wishes, Francois -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX

Sealing capillary in a glove box

2023-01-30 Thread francois Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX: Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Elaboration et Caracterisation des Composés Cristalisés (E3C) Université du

How to publish structure determination from powder easily !

2023-06-02 Thread francois Goutenoire
: I will be pleased to ear a comment to this feeling. Best wishes, François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno...@univ

How to publish structure determination from powder easily ! (with the good link !!)

2023-06-02 Thread francois Goutenoire
: I will be pleased to ear a comment to this feeling. Best wishes, François -- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE e-mail:francois.gouteno...@univ

Re: [EXT] [External] Re: Step-like basline

2023-09-05 Thread francois Goutenoire
3244 Fax. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3129 ++ Please do NOT attach files to the whole list>> Send commands to>> eg: HELP as the subject with no body text The Rietveld_L list archive

Legendre polynomial coefficient

2024-03-27 Thread francois Goutenoire
-- * Pr. Francois GOUTENOIRE Tel: FAX: Institut des Molécules et des Matériaux du Mans IMMM - UMR CNRS 6283 Elaboration et Caracterisation des Composés Cristalisés (E3C

Re: Legendre polynomial coefficient

2024-05-28 Thread francois Goutenoire
!! All the informations are in the link Link for data + the Jana refinement Best wishes, francois Le 27/03/2024 à 15:23, francois Goutenoire a écrit : Dear Rietveld users I have some data collected on a synchrotron line on reflection mode. The

Structural refinement with variable divergence slit

1999-04-28 Thread Francois Goutenoire
, /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Dr. François Goutenoire Laboratoire des Fluorures UPRES 6010 Av. Olivier Messiaen 72085 Le Mans Cedex Tel : Fax : E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Postdoctoral Position (URGENT)

2000-05-09 Thread Francois Goutenoire
references) should be adressed by E-Mail to me . Address : Laboratoire des Fluorures Universite du Maine Av. Olivier Messieaen BP 535 72000 Le Mans France /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Dr. François Goutenoire Laboratoire des Fluorures UPRES 6010 Av. Olivier Messiaen 72085 Le Mans

Pcr file for mixed Neutron+Xray for magnetic structure

2000-11-20 Thread Francois Goutenoire
ome atomic positions better by X-ray and so I would like to retain that advantage by using both X-ray data along with neutron data. I'm just asking you to send me an example of a pcr's file to solve my problem. Thanks in anticipation Francois Goutenoire /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

Correction for variable slit with Fullprof

2000-12-20 Thread Francois Goutenoire
50.00 0.234809 55.00 0.219584 60.00 0.207697 65.00 0.198463 Thanks Francois Goutenoire /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Dr. François Goutenoire Laboratoire des Fluorures UPRES 6010 Av. Olivier Messiaen 72085 Le Mans Cedex Tel :

Evolution of the resolution versus diameter

2005-05-30 Thread François Goutenoire
know if some one have done such test, what can we obtained in term of increase of the resolution, lost in counting, decrease of asymmetry at low angle…. François Dr. François Goutenoire Maître de Conférences Assistant Professor Laboratoire des Oxydes et des Fluorures     Av. Olivier

Hyper Lorentzian peak shape

2007-11-21 Thread Francois Goutenoire
an idea ? Francois Goutenoire Laboratoire des Oxydes et des Fluorures, UMR6010.

X-ray data on organic compouds

2007-12-05 Thread Francois Goutenoire
will be a delay in achieving this due to some contractual issues. We are working to resolve these as quickly as possible; please check back in late De/ Does anyone have these data ? Best Whishes, François Goutenoire Laboratoire des Oxydes et Fluorures, UMR6010 France.

TOF profil problem

2008-09-04 Thread Francois Goutenoire
pecial order for the refinement variables /Scale/Flat Background/W/Eta…. Is there any same rules for TOF refinement ? - Does anyone have done such works with GSAS on the same data ?, in order to compare the reliability factors. Thanks in advance, -- Dr. François Goutenoire Maître de Conférences,

Re: powder diffractometers with high temperature attachment

2009-04-20 Thread Francois Goutenoire
thout high-T chamber) and price/value relation. He's on a hurry so comments are welcome and will be useful before Wednesday. Thanks in advance for your kind help. Leo -- Dr. François Goutenoire Maître de Conférences, IUT Le Mans Laboratoire des Oxydes et Fluorures, UMR6010 Avenue O

Re: Virtual crystallographic Calculators V.2

2024-10-15 Thread François GOUTENOIRE
/ ++ -- Francois Goutenoire Chef du Département Chimie IUT Le Mans Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 - LE MANS Cedex 09 <> <> <> <