Ph.D. position available at Stuttgart, Germany

2017-11-07 Thread Robert Dinnebier
Position for Ph.D. student INVESTIGATIONS ON METAL CORROSION INDUCED BY ATMOSPHERE AND AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS The MPI-FKF at Stuttgart offers a position for a Ph.D. student (up to three years), in cooperation with the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart and the Daimler AG. The res

Ph.D. position available at Stuttgart, Germany

2016-05-30 Thread dinne
*Position for Ph.D. Thesis Project* *Crystal structure determination of metal organic salts for conservation science using high resolution X-ray powder diffraction* The State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research is offering

Ph.D. position

2015-03-26 Thread Robert E. Dinnebier
For those who are interested: Ph.D. position (26.03.2015): STRUCTURAL INVESTIGATIONS OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS BY IN-SITU POWDER DIFFRACTION - Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier Max Planck Institute for Solid