English version of RIETAN-FP

2021-01-13 Thread chenhh
Dear all!           If someone can tell me what happen to the soft of RIETAN-FP, an excellent program from Fojio in Japanese. I can't see the link for English version but only Japanese one there. Maybe it is about two years for this because I downloaded the last version in 2017 before I want to

Politics-RE: Powder Diffraction Discussion Group on Facebook

2015-06-11 Thread chenhh
est idem. >> >>>> >> >>>> Although I am not member of any of those asocial nets and do not >> >>>> plan to be, I sometimes think of the end of such services like >> >>>> Gopher. Maybe we have around a generation, w

restraint-philosophic view

2013-08-11 Thread chenhh
Gentlemen: After the last long period argument, I can conclude the key is "if you prefer the success to the truth when you do SDPD or Rietveld refinement, particularly for using restraint (or contraint)". Unfortunately, in fact,you can be happy for structure solving with restraint but

Re: Lachlan Cranswick

2010-01-25 Thread chenhh
n autorisée envers celle-ci peut être illégale et est strictement interdite. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 致 礼!   chenhh   chen-...@mail.sic.ac.cn  2010-01-26


2009-07-14 Thread chenhh
swer > from the list. Thanks! >Haohong Chen chenhh chen-...@mail.sic.ac.cn   2009-06-23


2009-07-14 Thread chenhh
Beijing 100083 Beijing P.R. China http://www.instrument.com.cn/ilog/handsomeland/ Lst. Prof. Loidl and Lunkenheimer Experimental Physics V Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism (EKM) University of Augsburg Universitaetsstr. 2 86159 Augsburg Germany http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/exp5


2009-07-14 Thread chenhh
before citing as one referenceunfortunately, our institution doesn't order the publication. So I hope to have a quick answer from the list. Thanks! Haohong Chen     chenhh chen-...@mail.sic.ac.cn   2009-06-23


2009-04-19 Thread chenhh
Hello: I have seen the mail about PDFgui and PDFfit2 programs from the Billinge group and diffraction sub-group of the DANSE project. It is very good to do some structure analysis for my research in nano-TiO2. But I am sorry to see the two reference papers they wrote have to be download from