Dear all!

          If someone can tell me what happen to the soft of RIETAN-FP, an 
excellent program from Fojio in Japanese. I can't see the link for English 
version but only Japanese one there. Maybe it is about two years for this 
because I downloaded the last version in 2017 before I want to update it 

          By the way, I had also written to Fojio but fail for his answer, 
maybe the E-mail is wrong or invalid found in Internet.

         And I also notice the commercial soft, PDXL from Rigaku. seems similar 
with the soft, it is also interesting for this.  Does the soft go for 
commercial using and only give Japanese version for free?

         Look forward to your answer! Thanks!

Dr. Haohong Chen

Transparent Ceramics Center

Shanghai Institute of Ceramics



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