if anybody could explain what Im doing wrong or point out
> something I can read. Im aware of the Platon/Addsym resources on the
> ccp14,
> but I didnt find anything there that helped me.
> I see on the Platon web page that the newest version should be from July
> 13
> 2008, but the version I can download is still from June.
> Best wishes,
> Magnus
William Bisson
Administrator and Webmaster
rred orientation. The crystal system is orthorhombic. But i
>> have no other information that supports the existence of preferred
>> orientation.
>> Is there any other problem that I cannot think of?Is the preferred
>> orientation correction masking any of these other problems I cannot
>> think of?
>> Regards
>> Gerard
>> Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under
>> charity number SC000278.
William Bisson
Administrator and Webmaster
eviously needed something like:
$ sudo apt-get install upx-ucl
$ upx -d fp2k
But perhaps things have changed now
Good luck
William Bisson wrote:
Dear all,
Can someone please tell me how to install Fullprof in Linux.
After downloading and untarring the file I run the setup_full
: ELFLinux?44: not found
setup_fullprof_suite: 2: 1?X???T?P???RQ?: not found
setup_fullprof_suite: 4: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
I am running Kubuntu 8.04 64-bit version.
William Bisson
Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14 and BCA
Be a better friend, newshound, and=20
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile.yahoo.com/;_y=
William Bisson
Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14 and BCA
from the new X'pert pro machines.
If anyone
does I'll be glad to know, and from a fundamental parameters approach what the
separation and/or width of the semi-conductor strips are?
William Bisson
Quoting Kurt Leinenweber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi All,
I am attemptin
tion, but has some other
drawbacks with respect to editing or such...
Thanks to all for very useful comments.
William Bisson
Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14
Dear all,
The CCP14 website (I hope) should be up and running. We have been having issues
with the outside world accessing the site. Please let me know if you are still
experiencing difficulties accessing CCP14 subsequent to this notice.
William Bisson
Webmaster and
Dear all,
Please bear with me if you see further disruption to the CCP14 website. I will
re-enable the conflicting ethernet card to try and determine where the fault
Quoting William Bisson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Dear all,
I am sorry for disruption in service for CC
Dear all,
I am sorry for disruption in service for CCP14 in the past 24 hours. It was
caused by conflicting Ethernet cards and one has been disabled as a result and
I hope this has solved the problem. Please let me know if you are still having
difficulties accessing CCP14.
William Bisson
Watch "Cause Effect," a show about real people making a real difference.
Learn more <http://im.live.com/Messenger/IM/MTV/?source=text_watchcause>
William Bisson
Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14
runtime tar.gz files I am to
download? There is lamp_runtime63_unix.tar.gz or lamp_runtime_unix.tar.gz, both
files have the same date stamp. The readme file doesn't say which one to
Can someone please tell me if there is an alternative program to LAMP to try out
William B
stals solution/refinement.
There are the obvious limitations with this - powder/single crystal;
neutron/X-ray. It might just shed some light. Mapview is very pretty and easy
to use. I can't remember off the top of my head, you might need to run the
small program FOUE at some point.
Dear all,
I have updated the CCP14 mirror for Fullprof which now contains the latest
To download click on the downloads tab, not the programs tab.
William Bisson
Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14
07 now
showing on this new website? I remember when downloading it from the ol=
website it came with a new Fullprof toolbar feature?
Can someone please clarify what is happening regarding Fullprof so I=20
know where
to put in the redirection notice from CCP14.
ember when downloading it from the old
website it came with a new Fullprof toolbar feature?
Can someone please clarify what is happening regarding Fullprof so I
know where
to put in the redirection notice from CCP14.
William Bisson
Quoting William Bisson <[EM
Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +33.476.98.41.68
William Bisson
Webmaster and Administrator - CCP14
Dear Kurt,
Please may have a copy too? Will that work for D500 data?
On Tue, 7 Dec 2004, Kurt Leinenweber wrote:
Bruker will send you their program raw2rawg for free on request. It works for
converting their RAW files into GSAS files, at least on my D5000 system.
Dear all,
I appreciate this is a Rietveld mailing list, but does anyone know or can
reconmend any freely available software for EXAFS refinement?
Kind Regards
William Bisson
Vacuum grease gives minimal background, try that?
On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Andreas Leineweber wrote:
Dear all,
when powder samples are measured in reflection on back-loaded samples on a
theta-2theta diffractometer, there is always the danger that upon sample
spinning the powde
with the slits,
regardless of any precautions you take to remove fluorescence, if the
slits are not correctly configured then a raised background may be noticed
at low angle anyhow.
William Bisson
On Fri, 4
Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear William,
> Thank you for your k
, however,
it does make refinement just that little harder, having to take into
account changing slit width over 2Theta. If anyone has any good tips on
this matter, I would be very interested to know.
William Bisson
On Thu, 3 Jun 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear all,
> We are
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