Re: primary Soller Slit

2024-11-14 Thread Peter Y. Zavalij
Look at peaks at lower 2theta, e.g. 10 deg. . Peter Y. Zavalij, Ph.D. Director, X-ray Crystallographic Center (XCC) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 XCC Website

Re: primary Soller Slit

2024-11-14 Thread Peter Stephens
I would like to add to Reinhard Neder's clear explanation that modern analysis software such as TOPAS, GSAS-II, and FULLPROF are able to model the axial divergence asymmetry at low angles efficiently. Earlier implementations and older software, using approximations like Pearson VII, not so much, a

Re: primary Soller Slit

2024-11-14 Thread Reinhard Kleeberg
Dear Davide, the primary purpose of Soller slits in Bragg-Brentano geometry is to reduce the axial divergence. Thus, a removal of the primary Soller slit will cause a) strong asymmetry of the low angle diffraction peaks b) maybe axial beam overflow of the sample, resulting in "strange backg

Re: primary Soller Slit

2024-11-14 Thread reinhard.neder
Dear Davide, I assume the diffractometer type you are talking about is a Bragg-Brentano diffractometer with flat sample. Such a diffractometer commonly uses a ~ 1cm long footprint of the electron beam onto the target (Cu, Co, Mo etc). Correspondingly the detector is about a good cm wide as w