Dear Donita,
I'm sure you know that the vanadyl (V=0) bond length is short - you could put in a
restraint on its length as one possible control on your refinement. If their sites are
partially occupied then make sure you have a constraint to make FRAC(V)=FRAC(O). I
don't particularly understand
> > performing a scan of a Co compound, in capillary setup, with
> > CuKa1 primary monochromated radiation, PSD detector, I get a
> > bkgd decreasing as usual from 10 to 50°, but then constantly
> > increasing from 50° up to my upper scan limit (100°). I have
> > no ready aexplanation for this,
> performing a scan of a Co compound, in capillary setup, with
> CuKa1 primary monochromated radiation, PSD detector, I get a
> bkgd decreasing as usual from 10 to 50°, but then constantly
> increasing from 50° up to my upper scan limit (100°). I have
> no ready aexplanation for this, and your
Dear All,
performing a scan of a Co compound, in capillary setup, with CuKa1 primary
monochromated radiation, PSD detector, I get a bkgd decreasing as usual
from 10 to 50°, but then constantly increasing from 50° up to my upper
scan limit (100°). I have no ready aexplanation for this, and your