> > performing a scan of a Co compound, in capillary setup, with
> > CuKa1 primary monochromated radiation, PSD detector, I get a 
> > bkgd decreasing as usual from 10 to 50°, but then constantly 
> > increasing from 50° up to my upper scan limit (100°). I have 
> > no ready aexplanation for this, and your suggestions will 
> be welcome.
> > Best regards        Natale Perchiazzi
> You will get fluorescence from Co which has the K absorption 
> edge at 7709 eV. Unless you have a different anode target, 
> your only other options are an analyser crystal (not sure how 
> that works with a PSD although Philips seems to have worked 
> it out), or a Ni filter.

Please disregard my nonsense about the Ni filter. That would not work.


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