RE: fundamental parameters approach

2004-06-07 Thread Reinhard Kleeberg
Pamela, At 10:24 07.06.2004 -0400, you wrote: >In a perfect world this would be the case, but given that very few people >run systems that conform to the requirements for true fundamental parameters >(Bragg-Brentano with NO monochromator, mirrors, etc), then one is not really >using fundamental par

Re: newbie in Refinement

2004-06-07 Thread Brian H. Toby
Riza (& other newbies), I personally recommend starting with the web tutorial on alumina ( There is a reason why the GSAS manual starts with a "simple" TOF refinement, but it is not where I would recommend st

Re: indexing problem (dominant zones)

2004-06-07 Thread Robin Shirley
Dear Arie and others What you have described is the classic "dominant zone" pathology, which I described in 1975 at the Amsterdam Congress and many times subsequently. The problem (and opportunity) here is that two of the reciprocal lattice vectors (let's call them and ) and hence the associat

FPA- profile functions

2004-06-07 Thread Whitfield, Pamela
One of the problems is that the 'apparent sizes' don't correspond to physical dimensions at all. They correspond to what is known as an average column length. If you imagine a crystallite cut into rectangular strips (or a series of stacked unit cells), these are the columns. A simple analogy wou

FPA- profile functions

2004-06-07 Thread apu
Dear Dr Pamela Whitfield , Thank you very much for your detail replies on this particular topic.Yours replies were quite benificial for me. Please write something about what do (physically) volume weighted and area weighted domain size mean. Thanking you. Regards, Apu *

FPA- profile functions

2004-06-07 Thread Whitfield, Pamela
Domain size work is a bit of a can of worms. It's something I looked at more carefully a while back for nanoparticle work, and the deeper I got into it the worse it got. Peak broadening methods tend to give 'apparent' sizes, either area or volume weighted, and require corrections (usually not don

FPA- profile functions

2004-06-07 Thread Nandini Devi Radhamonyamma
Dear All, Following the discussion about fundamental parameters approach (which was very helpful), I have a few more questions regarding the profile functions and their refining. I apologise if they seem very trivial (or plain stupid). We have a Philips PW3040 X'celerator running in a flat plate

RE: fundamental parameters approach

2004-06-07 Thread Whitfield, Pamela
Oooo, picking up where Friday left off.. Must go and put the coffee pot on :-) - refining of "fundamental parameters" is nonsense, unless one is not familiar with his diffractometer or want/must "absorb" any unkown effects or weaknesses of his model :-) In a perfect world this would be the c

Re: fundamental parameters approach

2004-06-07 Thread Reinhard Kleeberg
Hi Jon and Pamela, my very personal opinion regarding the "fundamental parameter" stuff: - fundamental is that the observed peak shape is a folding of contributions from (i) wavelength distribution, (ii) instrumental/geometrical aberations and (iii) microstructure of the sample. From this point of

ICSD, Topaz and CIF-files

2004-06-07 Thread Alan Hewat
>Topas will import CIF files, but the ICSD doesn't always >export CIF files in the same format as Topas is expecting. Is the problem with Topaz or with ICSD ? I would be interested in fixing examples of incorrect CIF files exported by Alan. Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE