riak search sort question?

2011-04-27 Thread e
Hi, I have used this one in search request( *sort=FIELDNAME*-- Sort on the specified field name. Default is "none", which causes the results to be sorted in descending order by score.) Assume the fieldname is a change_date. I got the result and sorted by change_date ASC. Howto DESC the resultS

blocking get call?

2013-01-28 Thread E R
Does riak have a "blocking get" call? I'm thinking of something that works like this... if a GET call is made for an object that doesn't exist, the call blocks until the object is created. ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lis

Re: blocking get call?

2013-01-28 Thread E R
process.) On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 10:50 AM, Alexander Sicular wrote: > No. but try something with a head request in your application. > > @siculars > http://siculars.posterous.com > > Sent from my rotary phone. > On Jan 28, 2013 11:47 AM, "E R" wrote: > >>

Query on Riak Search in a cluster of 3 nodes behind ELB is giving different result everytime

2015-04-01 Thread Vitaliy E
Hello everyone, I've just joined the list, and am a bit late to the party. Sorry about that. Thought I would contribute an answer anyway. Santi, what is you n_val? I observed the behavior you are describing on Riak 2.0.0 with n_val=3 in two cases: 1. One of the nodes was not part of the cluster

Re: Query on Riak Search in a cluster of 3 nodes behind ELB is giving different result everytime

2015-04-01 Thread Vitaliy E
On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Alex De la rosa wrote: > Hi Vitaliy, > > How did you find out a node in the cluster was not part in the cluster? > any commands to check that? And then, how did you fix that? (Just curious > and for future references) > > Thanks, > Alex

Re: Query on Riak Search in a cluster of 3 nodes behind ELB is giving different result everytime

2015-04-01 Thread Vitaliy E
n Apr 1, 2015 1:21 PM, "Vitaliy E" <13vitam...@gmail.com> wrote: > >> Hello everyone, >> >> I've just joined the list, and am a bit late to the party. Sorry about >> that. Thought I would contribute an answer anyway. >> >> Santi, what

Re: Query on Riak Search in a cluster of 3 nodes behind ELB is giving different result everytime

2015-04-01 Thread Vitaliy E
.html). > > When you have a look at your now working solr instances admin pages, do > you have everywhere the index counts the same? (i.e. the numDocs, maxDocs, > deletedDocs) > > Thanks, > Michael > > 2015-04-01 9:50 GMT+02:00 Vitaliy E <13vitam...@gmail.com>: &g

Dead connections with load balancer

2015-04-08 Thread Vitaliy E
Dear group, Our application connects to a Riak cluster via a load balancer (Radware Alteon), and we encounter problems whenever a Riak connection stays inactive for a while. What we think happens is that the load balancer removes its session that corresponds to the connection without closing the c

Re: Unable to start riak in ubuntu after changing IP address

2015-05-25 Thread Vitaly E
Which version of Riak are you using? Do you see any error messages? Also, what Java program are you reffering to? Can you post a link please? Regards, Vitaly On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 9:29 AM, sambit wrote: > Hi I have successfully installed Riak in ubuntu in my vmware virtual box in > windows 7

Re: CRDT appending

2016-01-13 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Eugene, Which client are you using? Which Riak version? In the Java client it is possible to send an update without fetching a CRDT first. For example: MapUpdate changes = new MapUpdate() .update(ARTIFACT, new RegisterUpdate(artifact)) .update(VERSIONS, new SetUpdate().add(ver

Re: limit of bucket/solr indexes

2016-01-15 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Alexander, I didn't see anybody answering your question, so I'll try my best to answer it myself. The practical number of Solr indices in Riak KV is pretty low. I won't recommend working with more than a few. We hit severe performance problems at around a few tens of Solr indexes. So it looks

Re: List Keys for a bucket not returning anything

2016-02-01 Thread Vitaly E
I think it should be curl -i http://localhost:8098/types/comment/buckets/comment/keys?keys=stream Regards, Vitaly I'm trying *delete* and *rebuild* yokozuna search indexes. One idea was to just list all the buckets and all the keys, and trigger an update to rebuild the index. However, the follo

Re: Riak Search indexing json

2016-02-10 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Colin, The problem is that in your case JSON is interpreted as a String, as opposed to a Map/POJO with fields. Is there any reason you don't rely on the JSON serialization built into Riak Java client? Regards, Vitaly On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Colin Walker wrote: > Hello everyone,

Re: Riak Search indexing json

2016-02-10 Thread Vitaly E
pers_we_love | paperswelove.org > twitter => @zeeshanlakhani > > On Feb 10, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Vitaly E <13vitam...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi Colin, > > The problem is that in your case JSON is interpreted as a String, as > opposed to a Map/POJO with fields. > > Is there a

Re: Regarding the number of partitions in riak cluser

2016-02-21 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Chathuri, Is it Riak KV? Which version? What hardware are you running your cluster on? How are the Riak nodes distributed over your physical machines? Do you have enough network bandwidth? Regards, Vitaly On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 12:35 AM, Chathuri Gunawardhana < lanch.gunawardh...@gmail.co

Re: Custom Object Mapper settings in Java Client

2016-02-22 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Cosmin, Have a look at com.basho.riak.client.api.convert.ConverterFactory. It's a singleton, you can register a custom converter there (the default for classes other than String and RiakObject is com.basho.riak.client.api.convert.JSONConverter). It's also possible to pass a custom converter to

Re: Java Client - Maps - fetch only one entry

2016-02-25 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Cosmin, Sorry for the dumb question, but if you are interested in a specific entry why not to store it as a separate key? It would be easier for updates, too. Regards, Vitaly On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 9:40 PM, Cosmin Marginean wrote: > On 25 Feb 2016, at 19:26, Cosmin Marginean wrote: > > Hi

Re: Java Client - Maps - fetch only one entry

2016-02-25 Thread Vitaly E
; Cheers > Cos > > On 25 Feb 2016, at 19:56, Vitaly E <13vitam...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi Cosmin, > > Sorry for the dumb question, but if you are interested in a specific entry > why not to store it as a separate key? It would be easier for updates, too. > > R

Re: Testing On A Single Node

2016-02-25 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Joe, A standalone node should behave similarly to a clustered node in terms of data persistence. Actually, I use single-node Riak setups (inside a VM) a lot for testing. The only differences are ring_size=8 and n_val=1, for performance reasons. So, it must be your Riak or VM configuration. Als

Re: Continuous HTTP POSTs to Riak

2016-03-04 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Qiang, Since you are running with allow_mult=false, make sure the clocks of your Riak nodes are synchronized. If they are out of sync, newer values may get overridden by older ones on read, depending on the node a request hits first. Of course this won't cover 100% of cases because a perfect cl

Re: Continuous HTTP POSTs to Riak

2016-03-06 Thread Vitaly E
Hi Qiang, You mentioned that my suggestion to synchronize the clocks of your Riak nodes had solved the problem. Let me explain why -- it may clear things up for you. Riak uses vector clocks / version vectors to keep track

Re: Cluster ready status for Riak S2

2016-04-01 Thread Vitaly E
Actually, 'riak-admin wait-for-service ' can be a good way of checking if a Riak service has fully started. For example, 'riak-admin wait-for-service riak_kv riak@' ( http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/running/tools/riak-admin/#wait-for-service, more details in http://littleriakbook.co

Re: cannot start solr, no logs

2016-04-04 Thread Vitaly E
Hi, Could you give some more details? Which version of Riak? Your subject line suggests that you cannot start Solr, but what do you mean by this? Can you start Riak successfully? Where are you looking for logs? Do you have search enabled in riak.conf (search = on)? Regards, Vitaly On Tue, Apr 5

Re: cannot start solr, no logs

2016-04-04 Thread Vitaly E
the requested memory just is not available. Regards, Vitaly On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 7:45 AM, Vitaly E <13vitam...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > Could you give some more details? Which version of Riak? Your subject line > suggests that you cannot start Solr, but what do you mea

Riak performance tuning

2017-06-12 Thread e fadaee
Hi, I have a 3 node riak cluster, with ring_size=64, n_val=2. when I run benchmark using basho_bench, my initial results are about 12k ops but it drops very much. during this time, riak write rate on my disk is about 200 ops; so it's seem logical to see performance drop after some time. but I can't

Re: ssl support?

2012-07-13 Thread John E. Vincent
SSL is working for me (for riak-control) using self-signed certificates. However I've not yet tried it with an external client. On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Michael Johnson wrote: > I've been having problems getting riak to function via https and have not > been able to find anything online t

Re: Riak significant downtime

2012-08-02 Thread John E. Vincent
FWIW, on ubuntu you can drop a file in /etc/security/limits.d/ called 'riak.conf' with the appropriate stanzas you would normally include in limits.conf and it will get read. If you use chef or puppet, this is much easier than trying to have multiple resources attempt to manage limits.conf togethe

Re: Node cannot join

2012-08-21 Thread John E. Vincent
It might be worth looking at the Chef cookbook for how it does it. As I see it on a fresh install with no data, there's probably not much major risk in concurrent joins. On an existing install, however, I'd think you would want to go serially. We stand up all of our riak clusters from scratch usin

Re: Riak Memory Usage Constantly Growing

2012-10-02 Thread John E. Vincent
I would highly suggest you upgrade to 1.2 when possible. We were, up until recently, running on 1.4 and seeing the same problems you describe. Take a look at this graph: http://i.imgur.com/0RtsU.png That's just one of our nodes but all of them exhibited the same behavior. The falloffs are where w

Re: Riak Memory Usage Constantly Growing

2012-10-02 Thread John E. Vincent
On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Kelly McLaughlin wrote: > John and Shane, > > I have been looking into some memory issues lately and I would be very > interested in more > information about your particular problems. If either of you are able to get > some output > from etop using the -sort memor

Re: Riak Memory Usage Constantly Growing

2012-10-02 Thread John E. Vincent
Forgot to paste this in the last email. We ARE seeing the long_gc messages (but no large_heap): erlang.log.3:10:43:21.406 [info] monitor long_gc <0.29654.5763> [{initial_call,{riak_pipe_fitting,init,1}},{almost_current_function,{gen_fsm,loop,7}},{message_queue_len,0}] [{timeout,102},{old_heap_bloc

Re: Riak Memory Usage Constantly Growing

2012-10-02 Thread John E. Vincent
ying it may succeed >> after a few attempts. >> >> Are either of you using MapReduce? I see that John is using 2I. Shane, do >> you also use 2I? >> Finally, do you notice a lot of messages to the console or console log >> that have the either the >> phra

Re: Official Basho Package Repositories Now Available

2012-10-16 Thread John E. Vincent
Wow. This is very much appreciated and will simplify our stuff considerably. Thanks! On Oct 16, 2012 5:48 PM, "James Martin" wrote: > Folks, > > I'm pleased to announce we now have official Basho package > repositories for CentOS/Red Hat versions 5 & 6, Debian Squeeze, and > Ubuntu Lucid/Natty/Pr

Re: riak fails to start on Ubtunu Precise

2012-10-24 Thread John E. Vincent
Brian, Can you please contact enstratus about this. I'm not sure why this is even happening since our installer is tested on precise but these requests should come through enStratus as the installer creates a working Riak install that shouldn't need any changes. You can either email supp...@enstr

Re: Protection from listing buckets and other rogue queries

2013-03-06 Thread John E. Vincent
Just a thought but we've been working on disabling certain API operations at the proxy level. We have a subsystem that uses riak that should NEVER see a DELETE call ever and we're planning on guaranteeing that by blocking it at the proxy level. Combined with the actual nodes being inaccessible in

Re: iron.io post commit hook

2013-03-13 Thread John E. Vincent
Personally I'm interested in all manner of post-commit hook example code. While I don't have a need personally, it would be a great way to see more examples to learn from as I'm keen on something myself. On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Jon Brisbin wrote: > Just wondering if anyone else in Riakla

Re: Receiving ulimit warning despite setting it

2013-05-16 Thread John E. Vincent
As an opposing viewpoint, I'd argue that it's NOT the requirement of Riak to go automatically changing things outside of its domain. Ulimits and tunables in the same class are not things that should be blindly tweaked by an incoming package. These are things the system administrator needs to be awa

Re: Receiving ulimit warning despite setting it

2013-05-16 Thread John E. Vincent
y default) for the `riak` and > `riak-cs` users based on what cookbook you use. > > Perhaps we should make that increase conditional? > > -- > Hector > > [0] > https://github.com/basho/riak-chef-cookbook/commit/2315fcc9dd31145e14526add2d8881456d191bcb > > > On T

Re: Riak on SAN

2013-10-02 Thread John E. Vincent
27;s a SAN. > On Oct 1, 2013 11:08 PM, "Guy Morton" wrote: > >> Does this make sense? >> >> -- >> Guy Morton >> Web Development Manager >> Brüel & Kjær EMS >> >> This e-mail is confidential and may be read, copied and used only by t

Re: Riak on SAN

2013-10-02 Thread John E. Vincent
. And a Drobo b1200i [2] is definitely not a SAN. > > --- > Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited > MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP > Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop > > > On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:12 PM, John E. Vincent < > lusis.org+riak-us...@

Re: redundant writers

2011-02-15 Thread John E. Vincent
Les, This is pretty much Dynamo 101 territory at this point and one of the tradeoffs with a distributed model. If you aren't familiar with Dynamo, Andy Gross (from Basho) gives an AWESOME walkthrough in an episode of TheNoSQLTapes: http://nosqltapes.com/video/understanding-dynamo-with-andy-gross

Re: EC2 and node names

2011-05-03 Thread John E. Vincent
One option, if you are using a config management tool like Chef is to use the Node name in Chef as the vm.args name and add entries to the hosts file mapping those names to current ips. On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Grant Schofield wrote: > > On May 2, 2011, at 7:58 PM, Jeff Pollard wrote: > >

Re: Riak in AWS

2011-09-07 Thread John E. Vincent
If you're not uncomfortable with Chef, you can use the riak cookbook to get things up and going. On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 10:37 PM, Jeremiah Peschka wrote: > Does anyone have a CloudFormation template (or other script) for getting a > Riak cluster up and running in AWS? > --- > Jeremiah Peschka -

Re: is there easy way to transfer mongo collections to riak?

2012-02-23 Thread John E. Vincent
2012/2/23 Will Moss : > Hey Dominik, > > To answer the question in your subject line, no. To quote one of the guys I > work with, "You're the bitch of data." That said, I'm extremely happy we did > it. Riak does what it says it's going to do when it says it will and doesn't > seem to really ever go

Re: native erlang client on non-Riak node?

2012-04-05 Thread John E. Vincent
ElasticSearch has this feature as well. When using the Java transport client (as opposed to the HTTP/JSON interface), you actually become a cluster member as a non-data node. You can also add any number of nodes to the cluster as non-data nodes that then participate in general processing. http://

Re: Misunderstanding cardinality issues ?

2012-04-18 Thread John E. Vincent
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Adrien Mogenet wrote: > Hi there, > > From this Riak Search's > page (http://wiki.basho.com/MapReduce-Search-2i-Comparison.html) : > > Poor Use Case: > > Searching for common (low cardinality) terms in documents > > I agree that searching for common terms in Riak S

Help with modeling and gotchas

2010-09-30 Thread John E. Vincent
ider modifying the original model simply because MongoDB doesn't like dots in key names. Thanks a ton. John E. Vincent twitter/@lusis ___ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com