So the problem I've described may be what you are experiencing (3
replicas). Do you have any indexing errors in the logs? What is "riak-admin
member-status" showing on each node?

On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Santi Kumar <> wrote:

> n_val is 3 for us and we have 3 nodes
> On Apr 1, 2015 1:21 PM, "Vitaliy E" <> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I've just joined the list, and am a bit late to the party. Sorry about
>> that. Thought I would contribute an answer anyway.
>> Santi, what is you n_val?
>> I observed the behavior you are describing on Riak 2.0.0 with n_val=3 in
>> two cases:
>> 1. One of the nodes was not part of the cluster although the cluster was
>> thinking it was. Don't ask me how that happened. Obviously, when a request
>> hit that node part of the entries could not be found there.
>> 2. Look for indexing errors in Solr console and Riak logs. Each Riak node
>> has its own Solr "repository", so if an entry fails to be indexed on any of
>> them, search results will be inconsistent depending on which set of nodes
>> returns it. Let's say you have replicas on nodes A, B, and C. Entry X
>> failed to be indexed on A, entry Y failed to be indexed on A and B, and
>> entry Z was indexed OK on all nodes. Then you may get {X,Y,Z}, {X,Z}, or
>> {Z} as your search results.
>> In our case the indexing failures were caused by disk/filesystem errors.
>> Regards,
>> Vitaly
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