I am using riak to store (relatively large) text files. I store them as
normal riak objects where the value is the text of the file. Now I want to
index and search them. All is fine, I just enabled the "standard" search
pre-commit hook for that bucket and they get indexed nicely. But, there is
On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Alexander Sicular wrote:
> Turn your text into a json obj. Maybe something like this:
> { size: 100
> Name: bla
> Date: 1/1/2012
> Raw_txt: txt
> }
> @siculars
> http://siculars.posterous.com
> Sent from
gt; http://siculars.posterous.com
> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Jul 21, 2012, at 2:16, Metin Akat wrote:
> I was thinking about this too, but as I said, these text files are
> sometimes quite big. Sometimes megabytes. Rarely - tens of megabytes. They
> are all "w
so guid:100 should show up in a search for
> [guid:050 TO guid:250]. Try it out.
> @siculars
> http://siculars.posterous.com
> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Jul 21, 2012, at 4:17, Metin Akat wrote:
> Yes, but that would require me to write a custom
Hi list,
I have a bucket with allow_mult=false, last_write_wins=true. I use it to
store text files (up to 1 megabyte of text). Some of these objects are
write heavy. The application overwrites them several times a minute (at
times). Now I see my dev riak node (where I'm still developing the
k, O} = riakc_pb_socket:get(Pid, <<"groceries">>, <<"mine">>).
> {ok, MD} = dict:find(<<"X-Riak-Meta">>, riakc_obj:get_metadata(O)).
> We're kicking around ways to improve this in the future.
> Cheers -
> D
> Cheers -
> Dave
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Metin Akat wrote:
> > Oh, I see, thanks for this clarification, much appreciated.
> > I think this should be written somewhere in bold, as 3 days later, I
> still
> > wasn't able to find anythi