I was thinking about this too, but as I said, these text files are
sometimes quite big.  Sometimes megabytes. Rarely - tens of megabytes. They
are all "write once, read quite a lot". So having them as JSON is probably
going to put quite a lot of load onto riak and my application (deserialize
a big chunk of JSON on every read). Of course, I might be wrong, I'll have
to benchmark it probably, but I don't really feel very comfortable about
it. Besides of potentially being a performance issue, it also feels quite
ugly to me. Have you done this? How big files? How's the performance?

On Sat, Jul 21, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Alexander Sicular <sicul...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Turn your text into a json obj. Maybe something like this:
> { size: 100
> Name: bla
> Date: 1/1/2012
> Raw_txt: txt
> }
> @siculars
> http://siculars.posterous.com
> Sent from my iRotaryPhone
> On Jul 20, 2012, at 17:49, Metin Akat <akat.me...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using riak to store (relatively large) text files. I store them as
> normal riak objects where the value is the text of the file. Now I want to
> index and search them. All is fine, I just enabled the "standard" search
> pre-commit hook for that bucket and they get indexed nicely. But, there is
> one tricky requirement. I need to be able to index and search some metadata
> about these files. For example date of submission, size of file, type
> (internal business logic) of file etc.
> >
> > I have been thinking quite a lot about this recently. Asked several
> times on #riak. I got one answer suggesting that I create a second
> "metadata" riak object for each file, link it to the "file object" and
> index it separately. That's not really what I want, because I need to be
> able to execute "combined" queries, like value:<some word> AND date:<some
> date>.
> >
> > So, here is the ideal solution that I'm thinking about.... It would be
> great if it's possible to modify the riak search index object. After the
> file is submitted, and after it's indexed, I could just fetch the index and
> just add some more fields to it.
> > I see there is a bucket with the search index objects that's
> automatically created by riak search. So I guess it is indeed possible,
> though I don't know what to expect. Is it a good idea? If not, what else
> could I do in order to solve the problem?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Metin
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