I am setting up a Riak cluster following the guide here
When my cluster was up and running I was updating the AvailabilitySets for
each VM in Azure which made the server's/node's internal ip to change and
I struggling to get a grip around MapReduce and why it is sometimes
returning only a subset of what is expected. Is it the nodes processing the
map phase that after a specific time returning the found matches so far? I
would rather have it returning timeout instead of a subset of the actual
that is missing, triggering read-repair, I would expect it to
> consistently show up in the results from that point on, at least until it
> is updated again.
> Best regards,
> Christian
> On 12 Apr 2013, at 08:13, Mattias Sjölinder wrote:
> Hi
time. What you are seeing could
>> very well be a result of all replicas of some data not being in sync across
>> all partitions holding a copy.
>> This would however be corrected either through read-repair or AAE (Active
>> Anti-Entropy) if you have this ena
haviour that the user of the
> library should decide to implement should they desire it.
> HTH.
> OJ
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 5:58 PM, Russell Brown wrote:
>> On 17 Apr 2013, at 08:54, Mattias Sjölinder wrote:
>> > Thanks for y