Thanks for your help. Your query returned the same number over and over again just as expected.
I think I have found the reason for my problem though. The client lib CorrugatedIron seems to wrap each document in the MapReduce result into a array turning the result into a nested array looking like: [[{doc1}], [{doc2}], [{doc3}]] counting 3 arrays & 3 docs and sometimes [[{doc1}], [{doc2}, {doc3}]] counting 2 arrays and 2 docs (according to my client code... :) Why the result for same query in CorrugatedIron and for a simple curl differs I don't know but I will investigate it further. Thanks again for your help! Best regards, Mattias 2013/4/16 Christian Dahlqvist <> > Hi Mattias, > > The following curl query simply counts the number of inputs, and has > worked well for me in the past. Can you please run it against the cluster a > couple of times and see if it also return varying number of results? > > curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred > -H 'Content-Type: application/json' > -d '{"inputs":{ > "bucket":"som-bucket", > "index":"userid_bin", > "key":"18481123123" > }, > "query":[{"reduce":{"language":"erlang", > "module":"riak_kv_mapreduce", > "function":"reduce_count_inputs" > }}]}' > > Best regards, > > Christian > > > > > > On 16 Apr 2013, at 15:52, Mattias Sjölinder <> wrote: > > 18481123123 > > >
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