Hi All,
I'm working on an erlang client of the riak::search functionality built into
riak-1.1.2. While I do see the support for querying data that is already
indexed (rhc:search), I do not see how to index and/or remove data from the
database. I do see this functionality in other clients, suc
On Jan 17, 2013, at 9:06 PM, Brian Picciano wrote:
> Are there any ways we could combat this?
I can't comment on what might be at risk from a Riak perspective, but as a
general comment you could combat client-side tampering using crypto (perhaps
you have already considered this option, I am n
Hi All,
I have run into the build problems with Riak and the latest Erlang. I
have also seen the github commits to understand that others have seen
this too and a fix is on the way (0.14.2 presumably?).
But that aside, I found this problem when I, of course, upgraded my
system to 14B03 which has
On 6/29/11 12:44 PM, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have run into the build problems with Riak and the latest Erlang. I
> have also seen the github commits to understand that others have seen
> this too and a fix is on the way (0.14.2 presumably?).
Sorry, I meant s/0.14
On 6/29/11 1:03 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> Greg,
> You need Erlang 13B04 for Riak 0.14.2.
Ah, thx.
FWIW, note that I was successfully building/running 0.14.1 on 14B. It
was 14B03 in particular that broke me.
> If you want to use 14B03 for
> other projects, you can have them both 14 and 13
On 6/29/11 1:19 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> Greg,
> At this time there are no plans for a 0.14.3 release.
Just to be clear: are there any plans to cut a release with the 14B03
fixes in it anytime soon (perhaps 0.15, etc..I don't care if it is
literally another 0.14 point release per se). FWIW,
Hi Andrew
On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 5:52 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 05:23:36PM -0400, Gregory Haskins wrote:
> > On 6/29/11 1:19 PM, Jared Morrow wrote:
> > > Greg,
> > >
> > > At this time there are no plans for a 0.14.3 release.
On 6/30/11 12:12 PM, Dan Reverri wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Can you start the Riak console (riak console) and let us know what it
> outputs?
Not a whole heck of a lot ;)
linux-mp:~ # riak console
Attempting to restart script through sudo -u riak
linux-mp:~ #
Description: Open