Hi All,

I have run into the build problems with Riak and the latest Erlang.  I
have also seen the github commits to understand that others have seen
this too and a fix is on the way (0.14.2 presumably?).

But that aside, I found this problem when I, of course, upgraded my
system to 14B03 which has both riak.git and riak-0.14.1.rpm installed.
What I was perhaps more surprised by was that my already compiled
riak.rpm now seems to have stopped working and I don't know why, but I
suspect it was coincident with the erlang upgrade (1).

So my question is: Would we expect run-time errors with riak-0.14.1
binaries against 14B03, or is something else going on here?  FWIW: I
tried blowing away my /var/lib/riak and /var/log/riak files in hopes
that I could get passed this problem (its just development data) but no
luck.  "service start riak" says "ok", but I do not get any logs (that I
can see) nor do I see the beam.smp running.  Any help appreciated.

[1] note that I also saw sasl high-water memory errors in the logs in
the days leading up to the upgrade and eventual death, so there is a
possibility it is related to this as well.


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