Hey all,
So, the long and short of it is that Riak doesn't handle objects
larger than 2Mb very well at all. We try to be pretty up-front about
this in the documentation (for example[1]) be we're also aware that
sometimes you need to store big objects. Riak CS was actually created
to deal with thes
Hello Igor,
Deletions should be a strongly consistent operation, yes. If after a
successful strongly consistent delete a GET of that key returns stale
data something is likely wrong, be it with your application, the
cluster, or Riak itself.
That said, deletions don't actually remove keys from Ria
> Feladó: riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] Meghatalmazó
> Drew Pirrone-Brusse
> Küldve: Thursday, January 08, 2015 12:32 AM
> Címzett: Igor Birman
> Másolatot kap: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Tárgy: Re: Deleting a strongly consistent key
> Hello I
Those instructions assume you already have an instance of Riak
installed on the system you are using to compile new Erlang code.
Unless you are planning on developing in Erlang and deploying custom
modules for Riak operations, you shouldn't need to worry about those
If you h
Hi Jaska,
The error "ERROR: OTP release 18 does not match required regex R16|17"
indicates that your system Erlang is not one of the versions that Riak
2.x can be built with. Specifically, Erlang OTP 18 is too new, and you
should be using either Erlang R16 or Erlang R17. I would recommend
using th
Hi Ray,
Riak's partition distribution is automatically calculated using our
nondeterministic `claim` algorithm. That system is able to re-balance
clusters, but is typically only run during membership operations; joining,
leaving, or replacing nodes. The uneven partition distribution won't