Hey all,

So, the long and short of it is that Riak doesn't handle objects
larger than 2Mb very well at all. We try to be pretty up-front about
this in the documentation (for example[1]) be we're also aware that
sometimes you need to store big objects. Riak CS was actually created
to deal with these exact performance issues, so I'd highly recommend
you take a look at it, if your usecase requires large objects.

When talking specifically about LevelDB, we have some useful
implementation details[2] in our docs. Take special note of the file
sizes and total size limits for Level-0 and Level-1---each file is
limited to 2Mb, and Level-1 will only store up to 10Mb. The disk I/O
required to flush Level-0 and Level-1 completely so that you can write
-- and then compact -- a >10Mb file (as is your case, Andy) adds up
pretty quickly.

I hope that helps.

[1] - 
[2] - 

On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 6:01 AM, Sorin Manole <sorin.man...@trustev.com> wrote:
> Hey Andy,
> We had the same issue few days ago. We were getting timeouts when trying to 
> read a key from riak.
> Also we were seeing in the logs a warning about reading/writing a large 
> object. In our case that object was first read from riak and after written 
> back. It was that big (17Mb) because of some load testing that we did.
> We deleted the object and we didn't experience timeouts anymore.
> We tried to repro the issue, so we can be sure it was this and we posted a 
> 20Mb json to the same key and the timeouts came back again, deleted the 20Mb 
> object and everything worked fine again.
> I don't know why this is happening but we can say that this was the issue for 
> our timeouts.
> Maybe someone has a better understanding on this.. I'd like to be in the loop 
> of this conversation if possible.
> Thanks!
> Sorin.
> On 5 January 2015 at 18:07, Andy Pellett <a...@embed.ly> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been experiencing stalls where riak won't return any data (queries time 
>> out) with my riak cluster. Here are some basic details:
>> - 8 nodes
>> - riak 1.4.10 (upgraded from 1.4.6 -> 1.4.8 -> 1.4.10)
>> - leveldb backend
>> - n_val is 2
>> - allow_mult is false
>> - ec2 i2.2xlarge boxes (8 cores, 61gb ram, 800gb disk space)
>> - about 33% disk space utilization per node
>> The riak cluster will stall for as long as a few minutes at a time, but will 
>> otherwise work as expected for hours. There doesn't seem to be an obvious 
>> pattern as to when the stalls happen.
>> My first thought was that the stalls may be related to AAE, but I've 
>> disabled that via 'riak attach' and the settings file. Sidenote, I still see 
>> messages like:
>> 2015-01-05 12:24:04.666 [info] 
>> <0.574.0>@riak_kv_entropy_manager:perhaps_log_throttle_change:826 Changing 
>> AAE throttle from 0 -> 10 msec/key, based on maximum vnode mailbox size 209 
>> from 'riak-user@riak-host'
>> which makes me question whether AAE is actually turned off.
>> Now I'm leaning towards leveldb compactions being the issue. What can I do 
>> to verify this is the issue, and how can I fix it?
>> I see log messages about large objects:
>> 2015-01-05 16:11:28.046 [warning] 
>> <0.6398.0>@riak_kv_vnode:encode_and_put_no_sib_check:1830 Writing very large 
>> object (11307735 bytes) to <<"BucketName">>/<<"keys_1420466400">>
>> Could these be causing longer-running compactions, or more frequent 
>> compactions?
>> Thanks for reading,
>> Andy
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> --
> Sorin Manole
> Senior Software Engineer, Trustev
> m:+353 86 051 2658 | e:sorin.man...@trustev.com | w:www.trustev.com| a: 
> Trustev Ltd, 2100 Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland.
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> You must not, directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or 
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> views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and not 
> Trustev Ltd. Trustev is registered in Ireland No. 516425 and trades from 2100 
> Cork Airport Business Park, Cork, Ireland.
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