Re: Core Claim and Property-Based Tests

2017-05-19 Thread Martin Sumner
Jon, BTW, I wasn't suggesting that claim v3 would choose a plan with violations over one without - so I don't think there is a bug. The plan below which I said scored well, but was "worse" than a purely sequential plan, is worse only in the sense that it does not cope as well with dual node failu

Search index partitioning in Riak-KV

2017-05-19 Thread Denis
Hello I'm trying to understand how Solr indexes are interact with Riak KV store. Let me explain a bit... The Riak uses sharding per vnode. Each physical node contains several vnodes and data stored there are indexed by Solr. As far as i understood, Solr is not clustered solution, i.e. Solr instanc

Re: Search index partitioning in Riak-KV

2017-05-19 Thread Fred Dushin
There is a Solr instance per Riak node, and each Solr instance contains a Solr core for the Riak index created. Every replica of a Riak k/v pair has a corresponding document in the Solr instance on the same node as the vnode that stores the replica (in fact for each sibling, if your objects adm