BTW, I wasn't suggesting that claim v3 would choose a plan with violations
over one without - so I don't think there is a bug.
The plan below which I said scored well, but was "worse" than a purely
sequential plan, is worse only in the sense that it does not cope as well
with dual node failu
I'm trying to understand how Solr indexes are interact with Riak KV store.
Let me explain a bit... The Riak uses sharding per vnode. Each physical
node contains several vnodes and data stored there are indexed by Solr. As
far as i understood, Solr is not clustered solution, i.e. Solr instanc
There is a Solr instance per Riak node, and each Solr instance contains a Solr
core for the Riak index created. Every replica of a Riak k/v pair has a
corresponding document in the Solr instance on the same node as the vnode that
stores the replica (in fact for each sibling, if your objects adm