There is a Solr instance per Riak node, and each Solr instance contains a Solr core for the Riak index created. Every replica of a Riak k/v pair has a corresponding document in the Solr instance on the same node as the vnode that stores the replica (in fact for each sibling, if your objects admit siblings). Each document in Solr contains not only the bucket and key as indexed fields, but also the Riak partition (well, the partition ordinal, actually). All of these fields are indexed, IIRC.
When a query executed through Riak, a coverage plan is used to generate a filter query (based on the node and partition in the cover set) that is used with shard parameters on the local Solr instance in which the query was executed. So technically every query is using (legacy) Solr distributed query; it's just that all the shard parameters and Solr deployment topology is hidden from the user and done internally by Riak. It's really quite elegant and clever (IMO), but it can run into scaling issues, as Solr/Lucene is quite a bit more demanding than Riak, in some real-world use-cases. I made an attempt to explain how a lot of how this works at <> There are far better presentations on the topic by Ryan Zezeski and other pioneers who did the initial implementation. -Fred > On May 19, 2017, at 7:10 AM, Denis <> wrote: > > Hello > > I'm trying to understand how Solr indexes are interact with Riak KV store. > Let me explain a bit... The Riak uses sharding per vnode. Each physical node > contains several vnodes and data stored there are indexed by Solr. As far as > i understood, Solr is not clustered solution, i.e. Solr instance running on > #1 node doesn't know anything about index on instance #2 and so on. > Then when search request comes in, how Riak/Solr decides at which instance > they need to lookup for index? In other words, is this index is > document-based partition or term-based partition? > Thank you. > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > >
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