SolrException: Error CREATEing SolrCore after deleting index

2015-08-10 Thread Hao
Hi, I deleted a search index through Erlang client. Then I saw this in solr log showing every minute: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'todoriak_main_movie_idx': Unable to create core: todoriak_main_movie_idx Caused by: /var/lib/riak/yz/todoriak_main_movie_idx/da

riak-admin diag errors

2015-08-10 Thread changmao wang
Hi Riak-users, when I run riak-admin diag command, sometimes it's ok, sometimes it found run time errors like below: root@cluster1-hd13:~# riak-admin diag RPC to 'riak@' failed: {'EXIT', {function_clause, [{lists

Re: SolrException: Error CREATEing SolrCore after deleting index

2015-08-10 Thread Zeeshan Lakhani
Hello Hao, I’m guessing that `todoriak_main_movie_idx` is the index you removed? Can you check to see if there are any buckets or bucket_types associated with that search_index? Also, what version of Riak are you using? We have a test here w/ the pb client to test a delete:

Re: why leaving riak cluster so slowly and how to accelerate the speed

2015-08-10 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
Hi Changmao, The state of the cluster can be determined from running 'riak-admin member-status' and 'riak-admin ring-status'. If I understand the sequence of events, you: 1) Joined four new nodes to the cluster. (Which crashed due to not enough disk space) 2) Removed them from the cluster via 'ria

What in RiakS2 do AS3

2015-08-10 Thread Brad Aisa
I'm new to both S3 and Riak -- I'm trying to set up local RiakS2 to run our integration tests (instead of writing to S3) -- where do I find or configure "Access Key ID" and "Secret Key" for the S3 api? The only thing I've found on the Basho site relates to setting up a S3cmd client. It provides

Re: What in RiakS2 do AS3

2015-08-10 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
Hi Brad! You're most of the way there. The access key and the secret key go into the riak-cs.conf file (usually located in /etc/riak-cs/ ). And you get them from creating an admin user. (And then copy & paste them into the config file).

Riak Go Client Beta is Available! .Net Client Update!

2015-08-10 Thread Alex Moore
Hi All, The clients team has been hard at work on an official Riak Go client, and we’re ready to share our progress. To install it in your go project, just run `go get` . You can find more information on the project pag

Riak Search in bucket with write_once = true

2015-08-10 Thread Marius Cobzarenco
Hi everyone, Riak Search does not seem to work in a bucket whose bucket type has write_once = true. I could not see this mentioned anywhere in the documentation, but I was curious if it is to be expected? It seems like the objects never get indexed. My bucket type is: riak-admin bucket-type crea

Re: Riak Search in bucket with write_once = true

2015-08-10 Thread Zeeshan Lakhani
Hey Marius, To put it simply, yes, 2.1.1 does not support write_once with search. Some objects will get indexed, but it will take a very long time and there will be issues with the cluster, etc… There should have been a note about this. Our apologies. We have solved the issue, and it will be s