Hi Brad! You're most of the way there. The access key and the secret key go into the riak-cs.conf file (usually located in /etc/riak-cs/ ). And you get them from creating an admin user. (And then copy & paste them into the config file).
http://docs.basho.com/riakcs/latest/cookbooks/configuration/Configuring-Riak-CS/#Specifying-the-Admin-User walks you through the steps. (You can create an admin user using a curl HTTP call, from the command line). The JSON response to issuing that http command will contain the key id and key secret. After creating the admin user and recording those keys in the config, there's a few more steps to take, to configure Riak for use with S2: http://docs.basho.com/riakcs/latest/cookbooks/configuration/Configuring-Riak/ Let us know if you have more questions. Dmitri On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Brad Aisa <brad.a...@thetradedesk.com> wrote: > I'm new to both S3 and Riak -- I'm trying to set up local RiakS2 to run > our integration tests (instead of writing to S3) -- where do I find or > configure "Access Key ID" and "Secret Key" for the S3 api? The only thing > I've found on the Basho site relates to setting up a S3cmd client. It > provides this cryptic suggestion: > > To configure the s3cmd client for the user, you must change the access_key > and secret_key settings. > > Any help is appreciated. > > > > *Brad Aisa* Senior Software Engineer > > brad.a...@thetradedesk.com <amber.scou...@thetradedesk.com> > > cell: 720-233-0225 > > 1615 Pearl St., Boulder, CO 80302 > > @TheTradeDeskInc <http://twitter.com/TheTradeDeskinc> // Facebook > <http://www.facebook.com/TheTradeDesk> // LinkedIn > <http://www.linkedin.com/company/the-trade-desk> // TheTradeDesk.com > <http://www.thetradedesk.com/> > > [image: cid:8BA8BF40-3F6C-48D1-89D1-F8A3D3D4C074] > > > > _______________________________________________ > riak-users mailing list > riak-users@lists.basho.com > http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com > >
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