Re: mongoimport and java-riak-client

2014-02-03 Thread Hector Castro
Hi Mark, Responses are inline below. -- Hector On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 5:17 AM, markrthomas wrote: > Hello > > mongoimport is blazingly fast compared with my java-riak-client inspired > groovy load script (using pb). I'm just trying to import JSON data for a > small dataset. There's just no com

Level-db cluster

2014-02-03 Thread Edgar Veiga
Hi all, I have a 6 machines cluster with a ring of 256 nodes with levelDB as backend. I've seen that recently in the documentation, this has appeared: If using LevelDB as the storage backend (which maintains its own I/O thread pool), the number of async threads in Riak's default pool can be decr

Yokozuna and array of JSON documents

2014-02-03 Thread Srdjan Pejic
Hello all, I'm storing a log of events in Riak. The key is an UUID plus number of seconds since a video stream started. The value is an array of JSON documents, such as this: [{"viewer_id_s"=>"004615eb-5c0e-4c4a-890c-c6fc29e3fc56", > "video_time_i"=>475, "type_s"=>"joined"}, > {"viewer_id_s"=>"6

[ANN] Riak CS 1.4.4

2014-02-03 Thread John Daily
A minor Riak CS bugfix release, 1.4.4, is available. There are no Stanchion or Riak CS Control updates, so versions 1.4.3 and 1.0.2 remain the latest releases of those components.

Re: Yokozuna and array of JSON documents

2014-02-03 Thread Eric Redmond
Is that the value you have in Riak? Because that's invalid JSON. kay/values are separated with a colon (:) not a hash rocket (=>). Eric On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Srdjan Pejic wrote: > Hello all, > > I'm storing a log of events in Riak. The key is an UUID plus number of > seconds since a vi

Re: Yokozuna and array of JSON documents

2014-02-03 Thread Srdjan Pejic
Hey Eric, No, that's the value I input through the Ruby client. It gets turned into valid JSON by the driver. The record gets stored fine and retrieved without problems. However, Yokozuna isn't returning a result. I'm using Riak 2.0.0-pre5 and the master branch of the Ruby client. Srdjan On Mon