Is that the value you have in Riak? Because that's invalid JSON. kay/values are 
separated with a colon (:) not a hash rocket (=>).


On Feb 3, 2014, at 9:06 AM, Srdjan Pejic <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm storing a log of events in Riak. The key is an UUID plus number of 
> seconds since a video stream started. The value is an array of JSON 
> documents, such as this: 
> [{"viewer_id_s"=>"004615eb-5c0e-4c4a-890c-c6fc29e3fc56", "video_time_i"=>475, 
> "type_s"=>"joined"}, {"viewer_id_s"=>"635dcd2d-fdeb-46c1-9920-803ccdd6176b", 
> "video_time_i"=>522, "type_s"=>"joined"}, 
> {"viewer_id_s"=>"04b3cec7-6f37-4840-b1b6-eff4c16dd273", "video_time_i"=>159, 
> "type_s"=>"joined"}, {"viewer_id_s"=>"6ce3da5f-b598-4b1c-abf0-38ba92fa15fb", 
> "video_time_i"=>393, "type_s"=>"upvote"}]
> My question to you is how can I search this array of documents through 
> Yokozuna/Solr? Currently, I get 0 results back, which I suspect is because 
> the actual JSON data is nested in an array and Yokozuna doesn't index that in 
> an expected way.
> Thanks,
> Srdjan 
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