Hello Lei,
The Java client currently doesn't use the Solr API for search; It uses
Map/Reduce. Sadly there's no support for those solr parameters. The only way to
do it currently would be by adding phases to sort then reduce the entire result
set which isn't exactly optimal.
We currently do hav
Riak Users,
Riak 1.2.0 RC2 has been built and uploaded with changes reported both by users
on this list and internal testing.
The downloads page has been updated with the new build:
Also, the release notes have been updated with bugs fixed in RC2:
I am using riak to store (relatively large) text files. I store them as
normal riak objects where the value is the text of the file. Now I want to
index and search them. All is fine, I just enabled the "standard" search
pre-commit hook for that bucket and they get indexed nicely. But, there is
Data.parse() does not seem to be working in a MapReduce phase.
http://codepad.org/sT0E5ch5 Here is the resulting array:
I'm seeing different results when performing a 2i query with spaces on
different platforms. On OS X, I find the object. On an ubuntu vagrant
image used by Travis CI, I do not.
For example, here is my test script:
require 'riak'
client = Riak::Client.new
bucket = client.bucket("test")
Turn your text into a json obj. Maybe something like this:
{ size: 100
Name: bla
Date: 1/1/2012
Raw_txt: txt
Sent from my iRotaryPhone
On Jul 20, 2012, at 17:49, Metin Akat wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using riak to store (relatively large) text files. I
I was thinking about this too, but as I said, these text files are
sometimes quite big. Sometimes megabytes. Rarely - tens of megabytes. They
are all "write once, read quite a lot". So having them as JSON is probably
going to put quite a lot of load onto riak and my application (deserialize
a big