Hi everybody,
I can't find any tutorial or docs on secondary indexes. Here (
it was stated that the docs would be updated but I can't find it.
I just wanted a doc which explains how to use secondary indexes with
Howdy Buri,
I'm not an Erlang expert, or even something remotely resembling competent with
Erlang, however, I believe I have tracked down what you're looking for.
You can use one of the riakc_pb_socket:get_index functions to pull back data
from an index. If you look at the source on the methods
Thanks for your reply Jeremiah!
I guess I am "greener" than you :)
Before posting to the list, I looked through riak documentation, the list.
I did find some postings on the subject but almost all of'em were questions
than answers. The answers I could find were so ambiguous that I wasn't able
Hey guys,
I've been working with riak and python for the past couple of months, and
I'm at the point where I'm ready to completely reimplement
riak-python-client. So.. I did/started. The project is hosted on github and
under the same apache 2 license as the original client.
I have some clue how to add secondary index but data types are confusing
for me:
> ObjNew = riakc_obj:new(<<"test_users">>, <<"adm">>, <<"My value">>).
> Index = [ <<"field1_bin">>, <<"my_index">>].
> Meta = dict:store(<<"index">>, Index, dict:new()).
> ObjNewMeta = riakc_obj:update_metada
This is great Shuhao!
I've had problems using the python client using multiple threads with protocol
buffers. The exact same multithreaded code works fine with http protocol. So,
any attention you can give to the pbc transport would be hugely appreciated.
Good luck! Can't wait to give your new
After several hours of searching, trying, getting errors ... finally I was
able to insert secondary index with riak-erlang-client. Here is the code
which I successfully ran:
%% Set some vars
{Bucket, Key, Index} = {<<"test_users">>, <<"aldarkusa">>, [{"qayerda_bin",
%% C
Hi Buriwoy,
Sorry for the hassle with the docs. Good to hear you're up and running. I
scanned the thread really quickly and it didn't look like you mentioned
Assuming you've seen them, can you take 15 minutes and put together your
thoughts on how t
-- Forwarded message --
From: Buri Arslon
Date: Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for
To: Mark Phillips
No problem, Mark. I've submitted a new issue.
By the w