After several hours of searching, trying, getting errors ... finally I was
able to insert secondary index with riak-erlang-client. Here is the code
which I successfully ran:

      %% Set some vars
   {Bucket, Key, Index} = {<<"test_users">>, <<"aldarkusa">>, [{"qayerda_bin",

   %% Connect to riak
   {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087).

   %% Create a new riak object
   Obj = riakc_obj:new(Bucket, Key, <<"Yomonlarni aldap yurgan

   %% Create a new metadata with secondary index
   Meta = dict:store(<<"index">>, Index, dict:new()).

   %% Update the object we've created before
   NewObj = riakc_obj:update_metadata(Obj, Meta).

   %% Finally, put/insert the updated new object
   riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, NewObj).

I think Basho should update/improve the documentation. Examples in Links
page ( gave me some clues how to update
metadata but the examples themselves were outdated.

Another idea is to allow users to post their examples (community content).

-- Buriwoy

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Buri Arslon <> wrote:

> I have some clue how to add secondary index but data types are confusing
> for me:
>   > ObjNew = riakc_obj:new(<<"test_users">>, <<"adm">>, <<"My value">>).
>   > Index = [ <<"field1_bin">>, <<"my_index">>].
>   > Meta = dict:store(<<"index">>, Index, dict:new()).
>   > ObjNewMeta = riakc_obj:update_metadata(ObjNew, Meta).
>   > riakc_pb_socket:put(Pid, ObjNewMeta).
>      ** exception exit: {noproc,
>                        {gen_server,call,
>                            [<0.124.0>,
>                             {req,
> {rpbputreq,<<"test_users">>,<<"adm">>,undefined,
>                                     {rpbcontent,<<"My
> value">>,undefined,undefined,
> undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,
>                                         [{rpbpair,<<"field"...>>,[...]}]},
> undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,
>                                     undefined},
>                                 60000},
>                             infinity]}}
>       in function  gen_server:call/3 (gen_server.erl, line 188)
> So, I don't know what the problem is. I can only guess that index data
> type may not be correct, but it's just guess.
> Any ideas?
> -- Buriwoy
> On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Buri Arslon <> wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply Jeremiah!
>> I guess I am "greener" than you :)
>> Before posting to the list, I looked through riak documentation, the
>> list. I did find some postings on the subject but almost all of'em were
>> questions than answers. The answers I could find were so ambiguous that I
>> wasn't able to use them.
>> I've tried riakc_obj:update_metadata but got this error:
>> So, I hoped to find a working example. I'm too new to Erlang to read the
>> source and solve my problems.
>> Thanks again,
>> -- Buriwoy
>> On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Jeremiah Peschka <
>>> wrote:
>>> Howdy Buri,
>>> I'm not an Erlang expert, or even something remotely resembling
>>> competent with Erlang, however, I believe I have tracked down what you're
>>> looking for.
>>> You can use one of the riakc_pb_socket:get_index functions to pull back
>>> data from an index. If you look at the source on the methods, you'll see
>>> that they're just wrappers around a MapReduce call. As far as setting the
>>> values... I think you'll have to make a call to riakc_obj:update_metadata
>>> and add the index metadata in by hand, but I could be wrong on that one.
>>> If I'm wrong, hopefully someone on the list will correct my Erlang-y
>>> ignorance.
>>> get_index/4 [1]
>>> get_index/5 [3]
>>> get_index/6 [2]
>>> get_index/7 [4]
>>> [1]:
>>> [2]:
>>> [3]:
>>> [4]:
>>> ---
>>> Jeremiah Peschka - Managing Director, Brent Ozar PLF, LLC
>>> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
>>> On Mar 11, 2012, at 11:06 AM, Buri Arslon wrote:
>>> > Hi everybody,
>>> >
>>> > I can't find any tutorial or docs on secondary indexes. Here (
>>> it was stated that the docs would be updated but I can't find it.
>>> >
>>> > I just wanted a doc which explains how to use secondary indexes with
>>> native erlang client. Riak docs have examples for http api but not for
>>> erlang client.
>>> >
>>> > Can anyone refer me to appropriate docs/tutorials?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > -- Buriwoy
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