I was thinking of a solution for the same issue. Since your hostname
changes with EC2. My thought was to have an automated script execute which
pulls the new hostname (or IP) and use SED or something to update the
app.config and vm.args followed by a Riak reip command. The only trick is
On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 12:18:23PM +0800, Denis Barishev wrote:
> Hello!
> I've faced a problem recently. There are strange processes like
> ...start_clean which use 100% of CPU. My riak version is 0.14.2.
> Do you know what is it and what can be done with it?
Can you provide more information
This did't appear to work for me. I changed the line in app.config to:
{http, [ {"", 8098 }, { "", 8098 } ]},
… and the node wouldn't start. When I changed it to:
{http, [ {"", 8098 }, { "", 8098 } ]},
… the node started just fine.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm coming up with, too. I'm writing shell
scripts right now to handle that, I'll post them in a day or two when I've got
them finalized.
On Dec 29, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Jeff Kirkell wrote:
> Jeff,
> I was thinking of a solution for the same issue. Since your
Hi all
My illustrious employer has tasked me with evaluating riak as a
replacement for our inhouse K, V store.
As part of this evaluation I need to performance test riak, looking
around I see that basho_bench appears to be quite a well laid out tool
that should save me a lot of effort in ter