Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm coming up with, too. I'm writing shell 
scripts right now to handle that, I'll post them in a day or two when I've got 
them finalized.


On Dec 29, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Jeff Kirkell wrote:

> Jeff,
> I was thinking of a solution for the same issue. Since your hostname changes 
> with EC2. My thought was to have an automated script execute which pulls the 
> new hostname (or IP) and use SED or something to update the app.config and 
> vm.args followed by a Riak reip command. The only trick is that you may need 
> to store the current in a file so you know what to replace later.
> Jeff
> On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 9:34 AM, jeffrey k eliasen <> wrote:
> This did't appear to work for me. I changed the line in app.config to:
>               {http, [ {"", 8098 }, { "", 8098 } ]},
> … and the node wouldn't start. When I changed it to:
>               {http, [ {"", 8098 }, { "", 8098 } ]},
> … the node started just fine.
> Idiot check… I realized it was trying to bind to localhost twice, once when I 
> specified and again with Just for anyone else following 
> the thread, the line should *just* specify
>               {http, [ {"", 8098 } ]},
> Another question with vm.args… Hostnames are allocated dynamically in my 
> network, so I don't specify the hostname in vm.args. The name option is set 
> with a name unique to the data drive holding all the riak state:
> -name node1
> When the node starts, I see that the name is expanded to include the hostname:
> ring_members : ['']
> I don't know from boot to boot what the hostname was the last time I booted 
> (hence my other question a few days ago asking whether hostname mattered). Do 
> I need to construct a way to track this across boots? Or is it enough that 
> the name argument specifies a name that is unique on the network and 
> disregards the host name?
> jeff
> On Dec 3, 2011, at 7:01 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
>> Also make sure that your node names (-name in vm.args) do not include the IP 
>> address, but use a hostname that is (hopefully) managed by the server 
>> handing out IP addresses. If the node name includes the IP address, your 
>> Riak node won't be reachable when the machine restarts (and it might not 
>> even start up).
>> On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 8:51 AM, Grant Schofield <> wrote:
>> The only way to do that is to bind to every current IP on the system by 
>> using as the setting.
>> Grant
>> On Dec 3, 2011, at 7:43 AM, jeffrey eliasen wrote:
>>> My Riak cluster is on a network that uses dynamic IPs, so each node gets a 
>>> different IP address at reboot. How do I indicate in app.config that I want 
>>> to bind to an interface (such as 'eth0') regardless of it's IP address 
>>> rather than to a specific IP address?
>>> -- 
>>> jeffrey k eliasen
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>> Sean Cribbs <>
>> Developer Advocate
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ===
> jeffrey k eliasen
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jeffrey k eliasen

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