> We have been using riak to gather our test data and analyze results after
> test completes.
> Recently we have observed riak crash in riak console logs.
> This causes our tests failing to record data to riak and bailing out :-(
> The crash logs are as follow:
> 2016-
We have been using riak to gather our test data and analyze results after test
Recently we have observed riak crash in riak console logs.
This causes our tests failing to record data to riak and bailing out :-(
The crash logs are as follow:
2016-02-19 16:25:26.255 [error
Good tip, thanks Scott!
Bryan Hunt - Client Services Engineer - Basho Technologies Limited - Registered
Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
> On 17 Feb 2015, at 02:18, Scott Lystig Fritchie
> wrote:
> Hi, Bryan, sorry to jump in so late. Have you tried this?
Hi, Bryan, sorry to jump in so late. Have you tried this?
Webtool has a non-native-GUI version of the CrashDumpViewer: load in a local web browser, then start the
CrashDumpViewer, then load the dump file, then browse.
I can't even get the gui to initialize on osx. I've been using the viewer
from R17 with success. I use kerl to maintain multiple erlang versions on
my system.
On 12 Feb 2015 11:16, "Simon Hartley" wrote:
> I am attempting to use the Erlang crash dump viewer application
> (erl5.9.1\lib\observer-
I am attempting to use the Erlang crash dump viewer application
(erl5.9.1\lib\observer-1.1\priv\bin\cdv.bat) to view a crash dump generated by
Riak 1.4.9
The app hangs on the message "Processing Timers" and the following output is
seen in the console:
=ERROR REPORT 12-Feb-2015::11:12:26 ==
Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot.
Zhenguo @ www.prinbit.com
2014-08-31 21:32 GMT+08:00 Steve Vinoski :
> On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 5:26 AM, Yang Zhenguo
> wrote:
>> My steps are as follows:
>> 1. sudo riak start
>> 2. run erl evn
>> {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 80
On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 5:26 AM, Yang Zhenguo wrote:
> My steps are as follows:
> 1. sudo riak start
> 2. run erl evn
> {ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087).
> riakc_pb_socket:list_buckets(Pid).
> After about 30 seconds, the riak will stop(crash)
> Riak version is 2.0. A
My steps are as follows:
1. sudo riak start
2. run erl evn
{ok, Pid} = riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087).
After about 30 seconds, the riak will stop(crash)
Riak version is 2.0. Atached part of log.
BTW, I have another web server cowboy running for h
Hey Mark,
As I've said to two of the other Basho guys (privately), I'm running Riak
1.4 on 3 512MB Xen VPS.
I've since come to the conclusion that Riak is not a good solution for me
in the short term, it requires a great deal more RAM than I am prepared to
give it. Notably, the max_open_files def
Hey Lucas,
Like Evan, I haven't had time to dig into the logs. Just so we know what
the baseline is here:
* How many nodes of Riak?
* What version of Riak?
* What type of hardware?
* What's your open files limit [1] ?
[1] http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/tuning/open-files-limit/
Are you using riak search?
On 9 Aug 2013, at 18:17, Lucas Cooper wrote:
> I had a crash of an entire cluster early this morning, I'm not entirely sure
> why, seems to be something with the indexer or Protocol Buffers (or my use of
> them). Here are the various logs: http://egf.me/logs.tar.xz
Yes, Search indexing is enabled.
On 10/08/2013 11:27 PM, "Russell Brown" wrote:
> Are you using riak search?
> On 9 Aug 2013, at 18:17, Lucas Cooper wrote:
> > I had a crash of an entire cluster early this morning, I'm not entirely
> sure why, seems to be something with the indexer or Protoc
I won't have time to look at these logs in more detail until later,
but are you sure you're not getting OOM killed? Usually there is some
sign of what happened when a node went down in console.log as well,
but it just sort of ends. Check the syslog for OS messages, you
might find something there
And another one... I thought the point of Erlang was that this kind of
thing wasn't meant to happen ._.
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Lucas Cooper wrote:
> It's happened again. The crash and error logs look pretty much the same.
> On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Lucas Cooper wrote:
It's happened again. The crash and error logs look pretty much the same.
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Lucas Cooper wrote:
> I had a crash of an entire cluster early this morning, I'm not entirely
> sure why, seems to be something with the indexer or Protocol Buffers (or my
> use of them). He
I had a crash of an entire cluster early this morning, I'm not entirely
sure why, seems to be something with the indexer or Protocol Buffers (or my
use of them). Here are the various logs: http://egf.me/logs.tar.xz
Any idea what's up? All this crashing is kinda putting me off Riak ._.
Hi Alexander,
The node appears to be crashing due to it hitting the Erlang process limit. You
can increase this from the default value of 32768 to e.g. the double by setting
adding the line +P 65536 to the vm.args file. Having said that I am wondering
what is causing you to hit this limit. What
Hi all,
I have my riak node crashed and can't figure out why this has happened. Any
help would be appreciated.
I'm using riak 1.3.1 and running a single node on CentOS 6.3 (availability
is not critical right now).
This node uses Bitcask backend with the default configuration except for
Hey Ryan,
Writing a 95MB file to Riak does sound a bit frightening, but it's
hard to say for sure if that's the cause...
So things are running again? Also, can you send along your crash.log
and error.log? That'll be more helpful for starters.
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Ryan Flynn w
I'm running a 4 member riak cluster that failed today for unknown reasons.
At a particular point in time, I noticed that the HTTP riak connector began
refusing connections to my client
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.basho.riak.client.RiakRetryFailedException:
heck for ulimit and, in general, is a pretty bad-ass tool.
[1] http://wiki.basho.com/Open-Files-Limit.html
[2] http://riaknostic.basho.com/
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/Python-Riak-Crash-on-get-keys-tp4024839p4024842.html
> Sent fr
I dont have anything in the error log because riak crashes and nothing is
How would I go about setting ulimit?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at
> View this message in context:
> http://riak-users.197444.n3.nabble.com/Python-Riak-Crash-on-get-keys-tp4024839.html
> Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@li
mes out
Anyone else run into this and have a solution for it?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
I haven't had a chance to track down all the logs, ring state, etc and
reproduce this issue, but I've updated my deploy script to just reload the
mapped module while Riak is running rather than bouncing the nodes.
I did however recently upgrade from Riak 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 and saw the same 3rd
My db is only a few gigs. You are right it may be better to just load the
updated mapred module without bouncing the node since we can just reload
the individual module without bringing Riak down.
On Nov 18, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Leonid Riaboshtan
Well, depends on your database siz
Well, depends on your database size really and on large variety of other
things. Our database is like 40 GB of pure data(n_val 3 on most of data),
and usually it takes 5-10 minutes for handoffs to complete on 256 vnodes
ring. Handoff concurrency is set to 1 btw. I guess it's strange when
handoffs g
Something else I tried to give the cluster more time to settle was to wait
until riak-admin transfers reported no pending transfers between updating
nodes. I've had cases where the transfers didn't complete within at least a
couple of hours of waiting. What would be typical amount of time for
I'll setup my deploy script to capture this information and send you the info
off-list (probably sometime next week).
On 2011-11-15, at 1:16 PM, Jon Meredith wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> That's not a message I'd expect to see on a clean restart. We'll need some
> more information
Hi Joel,
That's not a message I'd expect to see on a clean restart. We'll need some
more information to diagnose it. Next time it crashes, could you provide
the contents of your ring file (you can just grab the most recent one out
of /var/lib/riak/ring - location may vary depending on your platf
I'm using Riak 1.0.1 and I have a script that deploys updates to each of my
3 nodes to update the Erlang mapred modules. What I do is stop a node,
deploy the new mapred modues, restart the node, wait for the riak_kv
service to start, then move onto the next node. Sometimes when I do this
one of the
Generally when the node doesn't crash and the rest of normal operations are
still working, you don't have to worry. Note that the bug you mention has
been fixed and will be available in 1.0 when released. I understand there
will be some preview-release packages you will be able to try for several
Hi Sean,
I have the same issue as mentioned here :
It happens few time every day, the node doesn't crash, I'm not sure if I
have to be worried about this or not.
I have plenty of memory available on this server.
> <<"function(value,keyData,arg){var
> ** **
> David
> ** **
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* David Mitchell
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5:10 PM
> *To:* 'riak-users@lists.basho.com
From: David Mitchell
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 5:10 PM
To: 'riak-users@lists.basho.com'
Subject: Re: R
Erlang: R13B04
Riak: 0.14.2
I am having the same issue as Jeremy.
I just did 208 MapReduce jobs using anonymous JavaScript functions in the map
and reduce phases. I am sending the MapReduce jobs to a single node, riak01.
Out of the 208 jobs, I got two "mapexec_error" {error,timeout} on riak02
Hi Jeremy,
The flow_timeout error would not cause a node to crash. Supervisor and error
reports are normal log entries and do not usually correspond to a node
crash. Can you provide all the log files from the crashing node? Also, can
you look for an erl_crash.dump file?
Daniel Reverr
Ok thanks. Where do I increase the timeout? Would the timeout cause the node
to crash?
- Jeremy
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Mathias Meyer wrote:
> Jeremy,
> looks like you're hitting the timeout for the MapReduce job you're running,
> so the issue isn't memory-related. You could either
looks like you're hitting the timeout for the MapReduce job you're running, so
the issue isn't memory-related. You could either increase the timeout for the
whole job, or split up the single MapReduce request in multiple, ensuring a
shorter runtime of a single job, then collecting the r
I increased the memory to 3GB on the VMs I'm using for Riak and also
replaced a JavaScript reduce function I had missed converting to Erlang with
the Erlang version. Monitoring the memory on the machines indicates that
Riak is not running out of memory. There is lots of disk space on the
machines (
I see this from time to time on our production 5-node cluster, with no
indications of any other problems. And I'm certain it's not a memory or disk
On Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Jeremy Raymond wrote:
> Actually it's a bit later on where I see this:
> = Fri Jun 17 16:26:46 E
Actually it's a bit later on where I see this:
= Fri Jun 17 16:26:46 EDT 2011
=ERROR REPORT 17-Jun-2011::16:26:46 ===
** Generic server riak_kv_stat terminating
** Last message in was {'$gen_cast',{update,vnode_get,63475547206}}
** When Server state == {state,
I see these messages near the time of the crash. Indicators of low system
=INFO REPORT 17-Jun-2011::12:27:35 ===
Spidermonkey VM (pool: riak_kv_js_map) host stopping (<0.160.0>)
=INFO REPORT 17-Jun-2011::12:27:35 ===
Spidermonkey VM (pool: riak_kv_js_map) host
There is an open pull request for fixing this bug. Details of the bug are
here: https://issues.basho.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1072 It will not cause your
entire to node to crash, there is likely some other cause. Node exits tend
to only happen when you run out of RAM or disk space, or can't b
I have a 3 node Riak 0.14.2 cluster from the deb packages running on Ubuntu
10.10. I had a node go down with the following error from the
sasl-error.log. Ideas on tracking down the cause?
- Jeremy
=ERROR REPORT 17-Jun-2011::16:26:46 ===
** Generic server riak_kv_stat terminating
** L
I only ran into this issue once, but I remember what I was doing. So
I'll try to reproduce it later tonight, and if I succeed I'll send you
more info -- to eventually pass on to the Erlang folks.
2010/11/29 David Smith :
> Thanks for the info.
> A more careful
Thanks for the info.
A more careful reading of EAGAIN related messages says that:
"A temporary resource shortage made an operation impossible. fork can
return this error. It indicates that the shortage is expected to pass,
so your program can try the call again later and it may succeed. It is
2010/11/29 David Smith :
> It looks like you had an interrupted syscall (!!) that wasn't handled
> by Erlang (which I find rather hard to believe). What version of Riak
> and what operating system are you using, please?
=> bin/riaksearch-admin status
1-minute stats for 'riaksea...@'
It looks like you had an interrupted syscall (!!) that wasn't handled
by Erlang (which I find rather hard to believe). What version of Riak
and what operating system are you using, please?
Also, this could be related to ulimit -n -- what do you set that to?
On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 11
Some days ago, Riak crashed on my dev machine. All I know is that
several concurrent writes could have been happening at the time of the
crash (possibly around 30).
Could somebody enlighten me here... what exactly went wrong?
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