
I'm running a 4 member riak cluster that failed today for unknown reasons.
At a particular point in time, I noticed that the HTTP riak connector began
refusing connections to my client

java.lang.RuntimeException: com.basho.riak.client.RiakRetryFailedException:
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: *Connection to
http://localhost:XXXX refused*

I initiated a start command on all clusters just in case some of them were
down. Cluster 1 (main) and cluster 4 accepted the start command. The others
maintained that they were already running.

After the system was back up I began my hunt for error / crash reports and
found nothing substantial. The error.log file on cluster 1 contained this

2012-12-06 08:44:35.322 [error] <0.15539.62> gen_fsm <0.15539.62> in state
wait_pipeline_shutdown terminated with reason: *{sink_died,normal}*
2012-12-06 08:44:35.423 [error] <0.15539.62> CRASH REPORT Process
<0.15539.62> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: {sink_died,normal}
2012-12-06 08:44:35.428 [error] <0.164.0> Supervisor riak_pipe_builder_sup
had child undefined started with {riak_pipe_builder,start_link,undefined}
at <0.15539.62> exit with reason {sink_died,normal} in context

However I believe this error is normal, as mentioned here -

I ran riaknostic on the failed cluster through the 'riak-admin diag'
command and it did not find any crash reports either. I'm
running riak-1.1.4.

Do you have any pointers / advise that I could use ? Any help is

Thank you
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