1. How much data do you anticipate?
2. Linking to the previous as you suggest really limits the log because it can
then only write one thing at a time, which would be a pity for a Riak :-) I'd
go for a model that does not imply such constraints.
I had some experience recently you can read about
Hi Alessandro,
I think it is a god idea. however my question is how do you plan to sort the
data? or is it not important for you?
On Apr 14, 2011 11:40 PM, "Alessandro Testa" wrote:
> hi guys,
> i'm try to design a log storage based on riak.
> the requiment are:
> 1 the system needs to
I actually did this exact thing in the MongoDB Log4J appender I wrote. I
haven't had time to port it Riak yet, but that's my plan when I get a few spare
minutes. I even wrote a dojo-based front-end for it that I'm beefing up to
include sorting entries, searching, etc... Kind of a graylog2 baby c
hi guys,
i'm try to design a log storage based on riak.
the requiment are:
1 the system needs to be able to store any number of these log event
2 the system needs to be able to apply a label to some of these event
3 the user can access the most recent log, and then can go back in time (cannot