hi guys, i'm try to design a log storage based on riak. the requiment are: 1 the system needs to be able to store any number of these log event 2 the system needs to be able to apply a label to some of these event 3 the user can access the most recent log, and then can go back in time (cannot decide to start in the middle of the list or look for a specific event) 4 the user can filter the log based on the label and access the filtered list in with the same parameter as point 3
my idea is to store each event as a json document, the key of the document will be a uuid (type1). each document will be linked to the previous one, so i can follow the link to view the previus log. i want to add also other links that point to the previous event marked with the same label. i hope i explain enough the problem and the design. now my questions: - do you think this is a good architecture? - i read about luwak, do you think it can be used in a scenario like this? thank, i really hope to get some feedback from you! Alex _______________________________________________ riak-users mailing list riak-users@lists.basho.com http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com