Thank you! Could this also happen if say a node took "too long" to respond
rather than become unavailable?
On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 1:09 AM, Ciprian Manea wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> Looks like a streaming search operation was timing out, unable to generate
> more results:
> ht
Hi Andrew,
Looks like a streaming search operation was timing out, unable to generate
more results:
This could happen if another node involved in this operation became
unavailable (due to network segmentation, a
I'm seeing this in my crash log, can anyone help me understand what it
2014-07-17 17:21:20 =ERROR REPORT
Error in process <0.11353.4454> on node 'riak@x.x.x.x' with exit value:
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 12:52 AM, 郎咸武 wrote:
> *2)To put a Object to <<"user1">> bucket. The data is utf8 format.*
> (trends@jason-lxw)123> f(O), O=riakc_obj:new(<<"user1">>,
> <<"jason5">>,list_to_binary(mochijson:encode({struct, [{name,
> binary_to_list(unicode:characters_to_binary("爱"))},
Hi Mike,
You are missing the "run()" command at the end of The
"search()" function creates a MapReduce object to which you can add map and
reduce phases. The "run()" command bundles up MapReduce job and sends it to
the Riak cluster for processing.'tweets', 'name:[a
I'm experimenting with Riak Search; I'm storing tweets and then trying
to query them. My code to store a tweet is:
tweet =, data={
'text': s.text,