Thanks! I'll stay tuned ;)
till there I will patch my code an pray not to introduce any issues here..
The patch is bellow for anyone to try (just send the decoded string to be
>From a439f6126317a2b66fc08baf31b24b47e8ec4ed9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Patrick F. Marques"
Date: Thu, 26
> The s3 signer uses the signs the "canonicalizedResource" and that have the
> query parameters already encoded, so I tried to replace the "%3D" by the "="
> and it already works.
Yey! The culprit is here. Most client mistakenly encodes Multipart
uploadId although it is already supposed to be ur
thanks for your help Uenishi.
I'm using Riak 1.5.2, and AWS Node.js SDK 2.1.14 and the example code I'm
running is bellow.
I have beed trying with and without forcing a singing version. With some
debug I found that the default is the use the s3 signer If I force v2 I
have another error, "
My 6th sense says you're hitting this problem:
Could you give me an example of code or debug print of Node.js client that
includes the source string before being signed by a secret key?
Otherwise maybe that client is just using v4 authentication w
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to use AWS SDK as a S3 client for Riack CS to upload large
objects that I usually don't know the its size, for that propose I'm trying
to use the multipart upload like in the SDK example