
My 6th sense says you're hitting this problem:

Could you give me an example of code or debug print of Node.js client that
includes the source string before being signed by a secret key?

Otherwise maybe that client is just using v4 authentication which we
haven't yet supported. To avoid it, please try v2 authentication.
2015/02/26 9:06 "Patrick F. Marques" <patrickfmarq...@gmail.com>:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to use AWS SDK as a S3 client for Riack CS to upload large
> objects that I usually don't know the its size, for that propose I'm trying
> to use the multipart upload like in the SDK example
> https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/blob/master/doc-src/guide/node-examples.md#amazon-s3-uploading-an-arbitrarily-sized-stream-upload
> .
> The problem is that I'm always getting Access Denied.
> I've been trying some other clients but also without success.
> Best regards,
> Patrick Marques
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