I will explain what happened.
ring_size = 8: The default ring_size is 64. It is based on the recommendation
of five servers for a minimum cluster. You stated you are using only one
machine. 64 divided by 5 is 12.8 vnodes per server ... and ring size needs to
be a power of 2. So
Matthew -
That did it!
Actually, I tried with both settings, and also with just the ring_size change.
Setting ring_size to 8 got rid of crashing. I'll have to do a bit more reading
on this setting I suppose. I have a much more memory-constrained virtual
machine running on my local desktop run
Add the following settings within riak.conf:
leveldb.limited_developer_mem = on
ring_size = 8
Erase all data / vnodes and start over.
> On Jan 19, 2017, at 8:51 AM, Junk, Damion A wrote:
> Hi Magnus -
> I've tried a wide range of parameters for leveldb.maximum_memory_pe
Hi Magnus -
I've tried a wide range of parameters for leveldb.maximum_memory_percent
ranging from 5 to 70. I also tried the leveldb.maximum_memory setting in bytes,
ranging from 500MB to 4GB. I get the same results in the crash/console log no
matter what the settings. But the log messages seem
On 18 January 2017 at 20:36, Junk, Damion A wrote:
> Hi All -
> I'm seeing some strange behavior on a dev server. Right now the riak kv
> 2.2.0 server has 9GB free Ram, and no keys/values stored in Riak at all.
> (I've been trying to figure out what's going on with the server, so I
> completely