
Add the following settings within riak.conf:

leveldb.limited_developer_mem = on
ring_size = 8

Erase all data / vnodes and start over.


> On Jan 19, 2017, at 8:51 AM, Junk, Damion A <jun...@purdue.edu> wrote:
> Hi Magnus -
> I've tried a wide range of parameters for leveldb.maximum_memory_percent 
> ranging from 5 to 70. I also tried the leveldb.maximum_memory setting in 
> bytes, ranging from 500MB to 4GB. I get the same results in the crash/console 
> log no matter what the settings. But the log messages seem to indicate an 
> issue with yokozuna, and not leveldb itself from what I can tell.
> I set the max (-Xmx) to 2G for SOLR as well.
> From the log messages, it looks like it's not actually the KV leveldb system 
> that's crashing, but the yokozuna system. I'm not sure how to control or set 
> memory here:
>> {badmatch,{error,{db_open,"IO error: lock 
>> /var/lib/riak/yz_anti_entropy/639406966332270026714112114313373821099470487552/LOCK:
>>  Cannot allocate memory"}
> This is a development node, running as a single (nojn-clustered) riak node. 
> It has 14G memory, and at the time of trying changes with Riak, 9GB were 
> free. 
> To Recap:
> There are no keys/values in the database at all. 
> The only default settings I changed were:
> storage_backend = leveldb
> search = on
> and when that didn't work, I started changing:
> search.solr.jvm_options = -d64 -Xms1g -Xmx2g -XX:+UseStringCache 
> -XX:+UseCompressedOops
> leveldb.maximum_memory_percent = 5 .. 70 
> and then when nothing seemed to change:
> leveldb.maximum_memory =  1000000 ... 4000000000
> Thanks for any assistance!
> Damion
>> On Jan 19, 2017, at 3:33 AM, Magnus Kessler <mkess...@basho.com 
>> <mailto:mkess...@basho.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Damion,
>> Let me first state that AAE always uses leveldb, regardless of the storage 
>> backend chosen for Riak KV data. Could you please state how much physical 
>> memory your Riak nodes have, and what you have configured for 
>> "leveldb.maximum_memory.percent" in "riak.conf"? Have you changed the 
>> settings for "search.solr.jvm_options", in particular the memory allocated 
>> to Solr?
>> As a general rule, leveldb should have at least 350MB of memory available 
>> per partition, and performance has been shown to increase with up to 2GB 
>> (2.5 GB when also using Search and AAE) per partition. Please check that you 
>> have enough memory available in your system.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Magnus
>> -- 
>> Magnus Kessler
>> Client Services Engineer
>> Basho Technologies Limited
>> Registered Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
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