Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-13 Thread Mark Phillips
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 10:47 PM, Buri Arslon wrote: > No problem, Mark. I've submitted a new > issue. > > By the way, thanks for the awesome Riak! Perfect. Thanks for putting that together. Cc'ing the list in case anyone wants to add something. Mark

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-13 Thread Daniil Churikov
But now i got stuck wtih how to give this keys as input to map phase? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at _

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-12 Thread Daniil Churikov
Seems that i discover how to use this 2i range queries from riak_client: > {ok, C} = riak:local_client(), > C:get_index(<<"bucket_name">>, {range, <<"$key">>, <<"k1">>, <<"k7">>}). > {ok, [<<"k7">>, <<"k6">>, <<"k5">>, <<"k4">>, <<"k3">>, <<"k2">>, > <<"k1">>]} where <<"$key">> is a special value

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-11 Thread Mark Phillips
Hi Buriwoy, Sorry for the hassle with the docs. Good to hear you're up and running. I scanned the thread really quickly and it didn't look like you mentioned Assuming you've seen them, can you take 15 minutes and put together your thoughts on how t

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-11 Thread Buri Arslon
After several hours of searching, trying, getting errors ... finally I was able to insert secondary index with riak-erlang-client. Here is the code which I successfully ran: %% Set some vars {Bucket, Key, Index} = {<<"test_users">>, <<"aldarkusa">>, [{"qayerda_bin", "Qozoqta"}]}. %% C

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-11 Thread Buri Arslon
I have some clue how to add secondary index but data types are confusing for me: > ObjNew = riakc_obj:new(<<"test_users">>, <<"adm">>, <<"My value">>). > Index = [ <<"field1_bin">>, <<"my_index">>]. > Meta = dict:store(<<"index">>, Index, dict:new()). > ObjNewMeta = riakc_obj:update_metada

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-11 Thread Buri Arslon
Thanks for your reply Jeremiah! I guess I am "greener" than you :) Before posting to the list, I looked through riak documentation, the list. I did find some postings on the subject but almost all of'em were questions than answers. The answers I could find were so ambiguous that I wasn't able to

Re: Can't find docs/tutorial on secondary indexes for riak-erlang-client

2012-03-11 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
Howdy Buri, I'm not an Erlang expert, or even something remotely resembling competent with Erlang, however, I believe I have tracked down what you're looking for. You can use one of the riakc_pb_socket:get_index functions to pull back data from an index. If you look at the source on the methods