Re: MapReduce: map then inputs

2013-05-24 Thread Bryan Fink
On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Jimmy Ho wrote: > inputs: [["user", "mathew"]], > query: [ {map:... get a list of [[bucket, friend_key]] } > > What is the next phase to read the bucket/key values as the new inputs? Hi, Jimmy. If that map phase is producing a list of [bucket, key] pairs, as you de

MapReduce: map then inputs

2013-04-04 Thread Jimmy Ho
Hi guys, I am sure I've seen it somewhere explaining what I'd like to do but can no longer find the link, hope someone could help? Thanks. I have a 'user' bucket which stores a list of keys within the data, pointing to other users as friends... ie For User "mathew" data: { "friends": [ "john",