R: RE: riak-erlang-client: riakc_pb_socket.erl:72: type ctx() > undefined

2010-09-10 Thread matteo.redae...@libero.it
Many Thanks Now it works! I use Erlang R14A & debian testing ... Regards Matteo Messaggio originale Da: mike.liv...@sellingsource.com Data: 09/09/2010 18.05 A: "Dan Reverri", "matteo.redae...@libero.it" Cc: "riak-users@lists.basho.com&

Re: riak-erlang-client: riakc_pb_socket.erl:72: type ctx() > undefined

2010-09-08 Thread matteo.redae...@libero.it
) > 4. Re: sane way to edit json map reduce functions? (Sean Cribbs) > 5. riak-erlang-client: riakc_pb_socket.erl:72: type ctx() > undefined (matteo.redae...@libero.it) > 6. Re: riak-erlang-client: ri

riak-erlang-client: riakc_pb_socket.erl:72: type ctx() undefined

2010-09-08 Thread matteo.redae...@libero.it
HEllo to all, I'm using riak for my erlang web crawler ebot (http://www.redaelli.org/matteo- blog/projects/ebot/) In these latest weeks I cannot compile riak-erlang-client Below my logs. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance Matteo http://www.redaelli.org/matteo mat...@nowar:/opt$ hg clone http