Error while installing riak on ubuntu 12.04

2015-07-08 Thread Gopi Krishna
Hi, I am trying to install riak1.4.7 on my ubuntu 12.04 machine. I have installed otp_src_R15BO1 version. erl shell is coming fine but when i try to install riak. The below command is thrwoing me the error: make rel fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. ./rebar get-deps Uncaught er

Re: calling erlang module, function from python-riak client in mapreduce

2014-05-26 Thread Gopi Krishna
Hi erik, yes i have exported the function,and also i have put the beam file under the riaks path in side the app.config file as riak_kv {riak_kv, [ %% beam files for mapreduce {add_paths,["/home/intel/gopi/sam_programmes/erl/erlmap/beams"]}, In the beams file i have

calling erlang module,function from python-riak client in mapreduce

2014-05-26 Thread Gopi Krishna
Hi all, I've been doing the thing get the map phase work in in python-riak client. I have written a function in erlang. funs(Obj,_,_) -> [riak_object:get_value(Obj)]. I have saved it in a file called *maps.erl* I have compiled the *maps.erl* to get the *maps.beam *file to give the

Want to access an element from the tuple inside bitsrting inside list

2014-05-19 Thread Gopi Krishna
Hi All, I am having the data like: R = [<<"{\"age\": 24, \"name\": \"krishna\"}">>, <<"{\"age\": 29, \"name\": \"sharat\"}">>, <<"{\"age\": 25, \"name\":

How to resolve Mapreduce exceptio errors

2014-05-17 Thread Gopi Krishna
<<"{\"age\": 27, \"name\": \"anil\"}">>, <<"{\"age\": 28, \"name\": \"kumar\"}">>,

Re: Facing exception error in riak-erlang client in erlang shell while doing Mapreduce

2014-05-17 Thread Gopi Krishna
<<"{\"age\": 29, \"name\": \"sharat\"}">>, <<"{\"age\": 27, \"name\": \"anil\"}">>,

Facing exception error in riak-erlang client in erlang shell while doing Mapreduce

2014-05-17 Thread Gopi Krishna
_obj:new(<<"test_age">>, <<"test1">>, <<"gopi & 1">>). {riakc_obj,<<"test_age">>,<<"test1">>,undefined,[], undefined,<<"gopi & 1">>} 3> 3> 3&g

Facing exception error in erlang shell on erlang-riak-client

2014-05-17 Thread Gopi Krishna
Hi, I have done this in the riak-erlang client -- Thanks & Regards, J.Gopi Krishna +91-8341452934, Lintel Technologies Pvt. LTD,Hyderabad. This message contains confidential information and is intended for recipient. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified t

Riak version error in Django

2014-04-30 Thread gopi
Hi, I am working on django 1.5 and installed python-riak of 1.5.1 client. And also installed riak1.4.8 server running in my system. i have configured host and port settings in file in django project. no while running i am getting this error "*invalid version number '1.4.8-0-g75453