Re: Evolving data model

2012-09-19 Thread Bip Thelin
ally (if the get read). -- Bip Thelin KIVRA | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90 On 19 sep 2012, at 00:55, Allen Johnson wrote: > Hey everyone, > > I'm beginning to experiment with Riak and I'm trying to better >

ANN: lager_loggly, a Loggly backend for Lager

2012-08-31 Thread Bip Thelin
We've just released a simple Loggly backend for Lager: feel free to embrace, fork and extend. Happy logging! -- Bip Thelin KIVRA | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90 www.kivr

Re: Riak Enterprise 1.2 on Debian 6

2012-08-28 Thread Bip Thelin
Thanks man, we have it running on 1.2 in dev with the ubuntu packages and plan to roll it out in staging soon. All our servera run sudo so we're good. Didn't even notice that dep. -Bip Thelin On 28 aug 2012, at 18:39, Jared Morrow wrote: Bip, In testing debian for another use, I

Riak Enterprise 1.2 on Debian 6

2012-08-09 Thread Bip Thelin
Are there any debian 6 packages for Riak Enterprise planned? I only see Ubuntu. -- Bip Thelin KIVRA | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90 ___ riak-users mailing list http

Re: Issue in make all

2012-01-09 Thread Bip Thelin
This also has to be done for some of the deps so go through your riak/deps/* dirs and correct rebar.config accordingly. We run (although not in production yet) R15B on Mac OSX and Debian 6.0. -- Bip Thelin Evolope AB | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18 18 90

Re: Best practices for using the PB client

2011-12-30 Thread Bip Thelin
re: I also added OJ's patch which let's you do oneliners like: pooler:use_member(fun(RiakPid) -> riakc_pb_socket:get(RiakPid, Bucket, Key) end). Also, there's this pooler: -- Bip Thelin Evolope AB

Re: Lager and Scribe

2011-11-18 Thread Bip Thelin
Interesting, one idea we've tossed around is to use zeromq as a transport layer. Implement a lager_zeromq_backend and a simple zeromq receiver feeding messages into HDFS. Will look at your amqp backend! -- Bip Thelin Evolope AB | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm Tel 08-533 335 37

Lager and Scribe

2011-11-17 Thread Bip Thelin
e a smarter way. I was going through the lager_file_backend and saw that you use a FD that get's passed around, is that a good approach to use something similar for a Scribe backend? -- Bip Thelin Evolope AB | Lugnets Allé 1 | 120 33 Stockholm Tel 08-533 335 37 | Mob 0735-18