Re: Problem with multithreadeding in Java

2017-04-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Allexandre, Could you share your code for setting up the RiakNode/RiakCluster/RiakClient objects on the Java side, and how you are sharing them amongst your worker threads? Thanks, Alex Clients Team Lead On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Allexandre Sampaio wrote: > Hi, I'm using Riak TS in a

Re: Unsolved problem using Riak TS Java Client

2017-04-12 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Allexandre, A few things to start: 1. Could you share how you are setting up the connections in the Java client? 2. Are you able to connect to your Riak TS cluster using the HTTP interface, or riak_shell ? 3. Are there any log files from your java application? Thanks, Alex Moore Team Lead

Re: Unable to compile Riak on Raspberry Pi 3

2017-04-01 Thread Alex Moore
Hi cocos, I recently did some testing around this and journaled the steps needed to build KV and TS on Raspbian: This includes building Basho's flavor of Erlang, and the fix that Matthew mentioned. Thanks, Alex On Sat, Apr 1, 2

Riak Spark Connector 1.6.3 Released

2017-03-17 Thread Alex Moore
r empty JSON objects #226 <> - Fix - Remove double filtering for DataFrames #228 <> As always, issues and PRs are welcome via the project's GitHub page <https:

Re: Start up problem talking to Riak

2017-02-13 Thread Alex Moore
Yeah, what Alex said. You can't see it with your application because it's currently bound to the localhost loopback address, but it's bad to just expose everything publicly. 1. Where is this cluster running? (AWS or local dev cluster?) 2. What are you trying to connect to Riak with? Is it one of

Re: Start up problem talking to Riak

2017-02-13 Thread Alex Moore
Hi David, In your riak.conf files, what do the "listener.protobuf.internal" and "listener.http.internal" lines look like? Are they bound to "", "", or the external ip address? Thanks, Alex On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 5:00 AM, AWS wrote: > I know that this isn't directl

Re: Situations where a fetch can retun no causal context

2017-01-10 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Michael, For the Set, Map, and Counter data types the only other situation I can think of is if the user explicitly set the "INCLUDE_CONTEXT" option to false. That option defaults to true, so it should always return one if the data type you fetched isn't a bottom (initial) value. If it is the

Re: Question about RiakCluster - Java client - 2.x

2016-12-01 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Konstantin, The RiakClient class is reentrant and thread-safe, so you should be able to share it among the different workers. You may have to adjust the min / max connection settings to get the most performance, but that's relatively easy. One other thing to notice is RiakClient's cleanup() me

Re: riak-users Digest, Vol 87, Issue 16

2016-10-30 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Pratik, You should try our All-In-One / Uber jar: It will contain all the dependencies that the Riak Java Client needs to operate. Thanks, Alex > On Oct 30, 2016, at 1:19 PM, Pratik Kulkarni wrote: > > I added the joda time jar . Then it

Re: How to specify dismax related parameters like qf

2016-10-17 Thread Alex Moore
Hey Ajax, Have you tried adding those parameters to the LocalParameters {!dismax} block? e.g.: {!type=dismax qf='myfield yourfield'}solr rocks Thanks, Alex On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 3:18 PM, AJAX DoneBy Jack wrote: > Hello Basho, > > I am v

Re: RIAK TS installed nodes not connecting

2016-09-13 Thread Alex Moore
Joris, One thing to check - since you are using a downloaded jar, are you using the Uber jar that contains all the dependencies? Thanks, Alex On Tue, Sep 13, 201

Riak Java Client 2.0.7 Released

2016-08-26 Thread Alex Moore
Hi All, We've just released Java Client 2.0.7. This version includes numerous bug fixes, community requests, and adds support for Riak TS 1.4. Maven: basho.riak%7Criak-client%7C2.0.7%7Cjar All-in-one Jar:

Re: Issues with the Go client

2016-08-16 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Kasper, Looks like you might be trying to connect to Riak's HTTP port with the client, which only uses protocol buffers. Can you try switching to the PB port? Thanks, Alex On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 4:11 PM, Kasper Tidemann wrote: > Hi everybody, > > I'm using the Go client for Riak, trying to

Re: Migrating to riak 2.1.4, selecting a specific multi-backend from the Java Client

2016-08-09 Thread Alex Moore
Hey Henning, Almost everything is stored in bitcask, but for some > progress-information-items, we are using the memory backend with > automatic expiration. Thus, the multibackend is being configured > (app.config for the old nodes, riak.conf for the new nodes). In the > past, I have configured bu

Re: How to best store arbitrarily large Java objects

2016-07-21 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Henning, Responses inline: ... > However, depending on the size of the `TreeMap`, the serialization > output can become rather large, and this limits the usefulness of my > object. In our tests, dealing with Riak-objects >2MB proved to be > significantly slower than dealing with objects <200k

Request for Comments - Discontinuing Java Client Support for Java 7

2016-07-13 Thread Alex Moore
leave a thumbs down on the Github issue, and if you'd like to cast down Java 7, leave a thumbs up on the issue. Thanks, Alex Moore The Benevolent Java Dictator ___ riak-users mailing list riak-u

Re: How to cold (re)boot a cluster with already existing node data

2016-06-06 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Jan, When you update the Kubernates nodes, do you have to do them all at once or can they be done in a rolling fashion (one after another)? If you can do them rolling-wise, you should be able to: For each node, one at a time: 1. Shut down Riak 2. Shutdown/restart/upgrade Kubernates 3. Start R

Re: using riak to store user sessions

2016-06-03 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Norman, It's still the case. Riak KV was designed to be highly available, and highly scalable key/value store with predictable low latency. This lets you scale to a few or as many machines as needed, while removing any single failure points that a single-machine database or cache might impose.

Re: Can't delete objects from Riak KV

2016-04-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Alex, It looks like Riak couldn't find the objected to delete (404), but ran into an issue generating the 404 response. Could you send the output from `riak-debug` to either Luke or myself? Thanks, Alex On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Alex De la rosa wrote: > I seem to be having this err

Re: Solr Error Handling

2016-02-26 Thread Alex Moore
Hey Colin, Do you see any errors in your solr log that would give you the info on the bad entries? Thanks, Alex On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Colin Walker wrote: > Hey again everyone, > > Due to bad planning on my part, Solr is having trouble indexing some of > the fields I am sending to i

Re: Java Riak client can't handle a Riak node failure?

2016-02-22 Thread Alex Moore
Thanks for your help. > > Vanessa > > On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Alex Moore wrote: > >> That's the correct behaviour: it should return true iff a value was >>> actually deleted. >> >> >> Ok, if that's the case you should do another F

Re: Java Riak client can't handle a Riak node failure?

2016-02-22 Thread Alex Moore> wrote: > See inline: > > On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Alex Moore wrote: > >> Hi Vanessa, >> >> You might have a problem with your delete function (depending on it's >> return value). >> What does the return va

Re: Increase number of partitions above 1024

2016-02-22 Thread Alex Moore
nawardhana <> wrote: > For my experiment I will be using 100 nodes. > > Thank you! > > On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Alex Moore wrote: > >> Hi Chathuri, >> >> Larger ring sizes are not usually recommended, you can overload disk

Re: Increase number of partitions above 1024

2016-02-22 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Chathuri, Larger ring sizes are not usually recommended, you can overload disk I/O if the number of vnodes to nodes is too high. Similarly you can underload other system resources if the vnode/node ratio is too low. How many nodes are you planning on running? Thanks, Alex On Mon, Feb 22, 201

Re: Java Riak client can't handle a Riak node failure?

2016-02-22 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Vanessa, You might have a problem with your delete function (depending on it's return value). What does the return value of the delete() function indicate? Right now if an object existed, and was deleted, the function will return true, and will only return false if the object didn't exist or o

Re: map reduce on multiple buckets

2016-02-08 Thread Alex Moore
wrote: > I want to keep daily and weekly data in different buckets, and generate > monthly report using map reduce on these two. > so 2 buckets and MR operations are custom. > > Best, > Eugene > > 2016-01-28 17:29 GMT+01:00 Alex Moore : > >> Hi Eugene, >> &g

Re: map reduce on multiple buckets

2016-01-28 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Eugene, MR is limited to one bucket for inputs, and the Solr inputs to a map phase have this restriction too. How many buckets are you trying to MR across, and also what type of MR operation are you trying to do? There may be another way to get around this restriction. Thanks, Alex On Thu, J

Re: accessor for FetchDatatype's location?

2016-01-20 Thread Alex Moore
Thanks, Alex On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 2:22 PM, David Byron wrote: > On 1/14/16 7:40 AM, Alex Moore wrote: > > Hi David, > > > > It doesn't look like we expose that property anywhere, but it can > > probably be chalked up to YAGNI when it was written. Go fort

Re: accessor for FetchDatatype's location?

2016-01-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi David, It doesn't look like we expose that property anywhere, but it can probably be chalked up to YAGNI when it was written. Go forth and PR :) Thanks, Alex On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 6:01 PM, David Byron wrote: > I'm looking for access to the location member of FetchDatatype ( > https://gi

Re: Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Timur, For your inputs line, try: "inputs":["mybucket_type", "mybucket"] Thanks, Alex On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 3:01 PM Timur Fayruzov wrote: > Hello, > > I'm trying to write a simple MR job using Javascript and hit a wall right > at start. I can't figure out how to specify "inputs". Here's

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Alex Moore
I made an issue for the max/min issue you found ( For now, you can try setting the max higher. Do you ever see your Operation Queue filling all the way up? Thanks, Alex On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 1:42 PM, Riak4me wrote: > Hi Alex, > > Right

Re: Riak 2 Netty BlockingOperationException

2015-12-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Riak4me, What are your min / max connection settings for the RiakNode objects you have set up? It looks like during your Update command, the Riak client attempted to get another connection for the store, but you were out of available connections and the thread blocked. Netty doesn't like bloc

Re: handling failure in RiakCommand#execute

2015-11-16 Thread Alex Moore
Hey David, If you use the synchronous RiakCommand.execute method and it errors out, then the method will returned a checked ExecutionException wrapping the original exception (, whi

Re: simpler implementation of RiakMap

2015-11-16 Thread Alex Moore
Hey David, So with the CRDT Map implementation, you can have a register, a counter, an inner map, a set, and a flag embedded within a map, all with the same name (oh my!). In the underlying API the map entry identifier is actually made of both the name and the type, so you can pull off that bit o

Re: Erlang Driver Error

2015-10-23 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Satish, Could you post the entire console.log somewhere accessible? Thanks, Alex On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 2:59 PM satish bhatti wrote: > I am getting this error in my console.log running Riak 1.4.6 on OSX > Yosemite: > > 2015-10-23 11:55:13.724 [error] emulator driver_select(0x2a

Re: Using Bucket Data Types slowed insert performance

2015-10-20 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Dennis & Mark, I noticed some timing code in your snippets: long beforeProcessing = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Do you have any numbers on what an individual operation for KV vs CRDTs looks like on your system? (Mean, percentiles if possible) Also, how big are your KV objects? CRDTs will take extra

Re: What's the maximum seconds to set index on bucket after creating the index

2015-09-02 Thread Alex Moore
Hao, What version of Riak are you using? Thanks, Alex > On Sep 2, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Fred Dushin wrote: > > I apologize, I was wrong about the timeouts -- they are configurable, either > through the client, or in the advanced config on the Riak server(s). > > The timeout gets set in the serv

Re: Fastest Method for Importing Into Riak.

2015-08-31 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Dennis, The fastest way would be to chunk your file, and use a Parallel.ForEach loop to do parallel puts. Just make sure you have your connection pool size turned up, and you override th

Riak Go Client 1.1 is Available!

2015-08-27 Thread Alex Moore
Hi All, The Go client for Riak is out of beta, so Go get it! To install it in your go project, just run `go get` . You can find more information on the project page (

Riak Go Client Beta is Available! .Net Client Update!

2015-08-10 Thread Alex Moore
Hi All, The clients team has been hard at work on an official Riak Go client, and we’re ready to share our progress. To install it in your go project, just run `go get` . You can find more information on the project pag

Re: Riak shuts down itself after couple of minutes

2015-08-07 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Hao, Looks like you might be running into an EMFILE error: What’s the open files limit

Riak Java Client 2.0.2 Released

2015-07-28 Thread Alex Moore
/basho/riak-java-client/pull/511 Cheers, Alex Moore signature.asc Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Java client 1.1.4 and headOnly() in domain buckets

2015-05-13 Thread Alex Moore
Hey Daniel, It appears that the domain buckets api does not support headOnly(). That api was written to be a higher-level abstraction around a common usage, so it abstracted that idea of head vs object data away. If you need that support, I would use the regular bucket methods instead. Thanks,

Re: Clarifying withoutFetch() with LevelDB and

2015-05-13 Thread Alex Moore
Hey Daniel, I wanted to know a little bit more about using withoutFetch() option when > used with levelDB. > I'm trying to write to a single key as fast as I can with n=3. > I deliberately create siblings by writing with stale vclock. > ... > During the test I see activity on the on disk via iosta

Re: Does riak dotnet client work with Mono?

2015-05-04 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Shabeer, The .NET client does work with Mono under a .Net 4.0+ runtime, and you can download it through Nuget (   If you don’t have NuGet, you can install an extension to MonoDevelop (, or use

Re: How to use Search.Options in Riak Java client for Solr faceting

2015-04-28 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Santi, Riak's Protocol Buffers interface doesn't currently support the full range of Solr queries, this was done to keep it compatible with the old Riak 1.x search interface. If you need to use any search properties beyond those provided by Riak clients, you'll need to query with a Solr driver

Re: Riak Java Client

2015-04-27 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Cos, We will continue to support and develop the Java client. With Roach's departure I'll be taking over development for it. I've been his understudy of sorts for about a year now, although my focus has been more towards the .NET and PHP clients as of late. >Consequently, if there's no one o

[Announcement] Official Riak .NET client released.

2015-04-02 Thread Alex Moore
dIron, and for passing on CI's stewardship to Basho so we could continue its story. Thanks! Alex Moore ___ riak-users mailing list

Re: Exception in Tutorial

2014-06-28 Thread Alex Moore
Try port 10017 instead. 10018 is usually the HTTP port for the dev1 devrel node. Thanks, Alex > On Jun 28, 2014, at 5:03 AM, darkchanter wrote: > > Hello there > sorry to bother you guys with this totally noob question... > > I am trying to run the tutorial "Tast of Riak" in eclipse. I have a

Re: Riak 1.4.8 to 1.4.9

2014-06-19 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Lukas, The 1.4.9 release notes are here: Thanks, Alex On Jun 19, 2014, at 1:05 PM, Lukas J. Dickie wrote: > Hello all, > > I couldn't find release notes as to what changed from Riak 1.4.8 to 1.4.9. > Does anyone know what changes

Re: Using the 'fold' keys threshold

2014-06-05 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Venkat, You can find those settings in our docs: (search for “Fold Keys Threshold”). In Bitcask when we do range operations like “List Keys” or other operations that require us to fold over all the data,

Re: Recommended riak configuration options for better performance

2014-06-05 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Naveen, You are running out of MR workers, you’ll either have to: a) Increase the worker limits on the current nodes (particularly map_js_vm_count and reduce_js_vm_count) b) Add more nodes (and thereby more workers) c) Do less MR work. d) Implement your MapReduce functions in Erlang to avoid t

Re: Choose/Wants claim functions.

2014-04-10 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Guido, > What's the latest non-standard version of this function? v3 right? If Basho > adds more versions to this, is this somewhere documented? > For our nodes standard choose/wants claim functions were doing a weird > distribution so the numbers even out a bit better (just a bit better) by

Re: Question about link-walk results returned by erlang_pb_client

2014-03-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi fxmy, > The return value is just Bucket/Key/link-tag pairs, without ObjectValue or > other metadata. > {ok,[{0,[[<<"people">>,<<"timoreilly">>,<<"friend">>]]}, > {1,[[<<"people">>,<<"dhh">>,<<"friend">>]]}]} > > Is this intended or not? This is intended. You are running a map reduce job wit

Re: Riak CS : "405 (Method Not Allowed)" when creating a bucket

2014-03-14 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Mikhail, > Look like a single point of failure. > In current version situation is same? Yes, this is a possible single point of failure, but Stanchion is only needed for the creation of buckets and user accounts. Object access is unaffected if Stanchion isn’t running. If stanchion did die, t

Re: What will happen when I remove a node from the cluster?

2014-03-11 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Yaochitc, Answers below: On Mar 11, 2014, at 2:47 AM, yaochitc wrote: > Hello, I'm trying to do some test with a riak consist of 8 nodes. I tried to > leave a node from the cluster, and I can see the ownership handoff through > ring-status.But when I tried to remove a node, such process did

Re: riak nagios script

2013-12-10 Thread Alex Moore
stead of compiling it to an escript and running it from bash?  Thanks, Alex Moore On December 10, 2013 at 1:26:20 PM, kzhang ( wrote: Thanks Hector. Here is how I executed the script. I downloaded and installed the erlang shell from

Re: Riak secondary indices with Java Api

2013-11-25 Thread Alex Moore
(BinIndex.named(“user_group"))   .withValue(“administrator").execute(); ``` Also, what version of the Java client are you using? Thanks, Alex Moore On November 25, 2013 at 3:34:45 AM, Shimon Benattar ( wrote: Hi, Riak us

Re: Memory Backend TTL doesn't work

2013-10-14 Thread Alex Moore
want to reduce that setting a bit :) Thanks,  Alex --  Alex Moore Sent with Airmail On October 14, 2013 at 7:32:03 AM, 성동찬_Chan ( wrote: Hi~!  I'm checking riak to use as a cache like memcached.  But I found some strange situation. 

Re: Using /etc/hosts entry and not ip in configuration files ..

2013-09-19 Thread Alex Moore
Hey Mike,Another option for your app.config would be to bind everything to "", which will make Riak listen on all interfaces.  This combined with using a domain name in the vm.args should prevent you from having to do renames/changing ips in the config files.  If you do this, please consider

Re: Using /etc/hosts entry and not ip in configuration files ..

2013-09-19 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Mike,Just to make sure: Riak only supports IP addresses and not DNS names in the config files.Though in your docs it still says:"Riak identifies other machines in the ring using Erlang identifiers (, ex: riak@"Riak only accepts ip addresses in the app.config file, but the vm.args "-nam


2013-09-18 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Markus,With Riak 1.4, 2i results are sorted in ascending order. So a range query from 0 to or to 0 with a max result of 1 will always return the lowest index value. In your case you may want to store the largest key # somewhere, or if you need to find it infrequently you may al

Re: member-status pending section

2013-09-17 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Thomas,host / # riak-admin member-status = Membership == Status Ring Pending Node --- valid 37.5% 34.4% '' valid 32.8% 32.8% '' vali

Re: Deleting data from bitcask backend

2013-09-16 Thread Alex Moore
should only be used off-peak. On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 7:36 AM, Alex Moore wrote: > Hi Charl, > > The problem is that even though documents seem to no longer be > available (doing a GET on a deleted document returns an expected 404) > the disk usage is not seeming reducing much a

Re: Deleting data from bitcask backend

2013-09-16 Thread Alex Moore
our app.config and a console.log from one of your nodes? Thanks, Alex   --  Alex Moore Sent with Airmail On September 16, 2013 at 4:43:07 AM, Charl Matthee ( wrote: Hi,  We have a 8-node riak v1.4.0 cluster writing data to bitcask backends.  We've recently started runni


2013-09-09 Thread Alex Moore
Hi David,Have you ever started up this node prior to changing the IP address? Can you also grep your config files for ""?  If there aren't any settings with that IP, can you reply with your config files so we can take a look?Thanks,Alex Moore On September 9, 2013 at 7: