I've been trying to do fulltext search and mapreduce on it, only to get
values, and I can't make it work. When I try the following code:
query = riak.mapreduce.RiakMapReduce(c)
query = query.search(idx, sstr)
query = query.map_values()
query = query.reduce_limit(1)
res = query.run()
it fai
Hi Oleksiy,
Would you mind sharing the output of 'riak-debug' from all nodes? You can
upload the files to a location of your choice and PM me the details. As far
as we are aware we have fixed all previously existing issues that would
prevent a full YZ AAE tree rebuild from succeeding when non-inde
I would like to continue as this seems to me like a serious problem, on a
bucket with 700,000 keys the difference in num_found can be up to 200,000!
And thats a search index that doesn't index, analyse or store ANY of the
document fields, the schema has only required _yz_* fields and nothing else.