
I've been trying to do fulltext search and mapreduce on it, only to get values, and I can't make it work. When I try the following code:

query = riak.mapreduce.RiakMapReduce(c)
query = query.search(idx, sstr)
query = query.map_values()
query = query.reduce_limit(1)
res = query.run()

it failes, and gives me this:

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/riak-2.4.2-py2.7.egg/riak/mapreduce.py", line 322, in run riak.riak_error.RiakError: 'Error processing stream message: exit:{json_encode,
                     {{<<"default">>, <<"events">>},
                           json_encode,2 [{file,src/mochijson2.erl"}...

where <<"1457605860_zeknmulfpt">> is a key of an existing object in <<"events">> bucket, which can be fetched.

The search itself works fine - when I do this:

c.fulltext_search(idx, sstr, rows=10000)

it works, and I can retrieve all found objects one by one. When I mapreduce on a bucket:

query = riak.mapreduce.RiakMapReduce(c)
query = query.add_bucket("track_here_events")
query = query.map_values()
query = query.reduce_limit(10)
res = query.run()

it works too. Only combination of search and mapreduce works, though according to documentation it should work. What may be wrong, then?


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