Thank-you, that corrected the issue.
On Monday, January 12, 2015 9:00 PM, Shunichi Shinohara
Hi Sellmy,
New versions of s3cmd uses AWS v4 authentication [1] but Riak CS
does not support it yet [2].
Tentatively, please add following one line to your .s3cfg file:
signature_v2 =
You can use the following Erlang snippet in `riak attach`:
{ok,Ring} = riak_core_ring_manager:get_my_ring(),
DocIdx = riak_core_util:chash_key({<<"my_bucket">>, <<"my_key">>}),
<> = DocIdx,
Preflist = riak_core_ring:preflist(DocIdx, Ring),
{Targets, Fallbacks} = lists:split(N, Preflist),
All siblings (values in conflict, or as you say "versions") are indexed.
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Santi Kumar wrote:
> Sean,
> As at any given point of time, there could be multiple versions of a given
> entry in Riak, how does riak search manages that? Which version of the
> entry is i
As at any given point of time, there could be multiple versions of a given
entry in Riak, how does riak search manages that? Which version of the
entry is indexed with solr?
On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> The version of Solr bundled with Riak 2.0.4 is 4
The version of Solr bundled with Riak 2.0.4 is 4.7.0.
I'm not sure what process would be required to bundle tokenizers and
analyzers, but I suspect it would be similar to how you deploy them with
stock Solr. Some tweaks may need to be made to load customizations.
You cannot upgrade the Solr versi
Hello again,
I have just read in documentation that is not recommended to run riak
search on large clusters. Can run solr search on only some of the nodes
of a larger cluster or is this a issue that will be addressed in the future?
Best regards
Bruno Santos
SAPO - Portugal Online
> I would like to know which solr version is bundled with riak 2.0.4
Solr 4.7.0 is the current version:
> and if we
> have the freedom to create our own tokenizers and analyzers and integrate
> them on the solr instances
I would like to know which solr version is bundled with riak 2.0.4 and
if we have the freedom to create our own tokenizers and analyzers and
integrate them on the solr instances. Is it possible to upgrade the Solr
instance to a newer version?
And how the search itself occurs? We query