All siblings (values in conflict, or as you say "versions") are indexed.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Santi Kumar <> wrote:

> Sean,
> As at any given point of time, there could be multiple versions of a given
> entry in Riak, how does riak search manages that? Which version of the
> entry is indexed with solr?
> Thanks
> Santi
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Sean Cribbs <> wrote:
>> The version of Solr bundled with Riak 2.0.4 is 4.7.0.
>> I'm not sure what process would be required to bundle tokenizers and
>> analyzers, but I suspect it would be similar to how you deploy them with
>> stock Solr. Some tweaks may need to be made to load customizations.
>> You cannot upgrade the Solr version by itself because we build a small
>> amount of custom code into Solr and we want to validate each upgrade before
>> shipping it. Since it uses some Solr-internal interfaces, we can't
>> guarantee that our customizations won't break on upgrade.
>> The search is "planned" on the Riak side (which shards/cores to query,
>> etc) but executed by Distributed Solr. Search performance is good; Ryan
>> Zezeski benchmarked it extensively in its initial development. However, the
>> primary benefit of using Riak's Solr integration is the automatic
>> synchronization of your key-value data with the search indexes. As
>> key-value data gets written, handed off, or repaired, your search index is
>> automatically kept up-to-date via the same mechanism that keeps individual
>> replicas of the originals in sync.
>> On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Bruno René Santos <
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>> I would like to know which solr version is bundled with riak 2.0.4 and
>>> if we have the freedom to create our own tokenizers and analyzers and
>>> integrate them on the solr instances. Is it possible to upgrade the Solr
>>> instance to a newer version?
>>> And how the search itself occurs? We query riak and riak will query each
>>> solr instance or we query solr and it will query all other solr instances?
>>> Our main concern is the overall search performance.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Bruno
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>>> riak-users mailing list
>> --
>> Sean Cribbs <>
>> Sr. Software Engineer
>> Basho Technologies, Inc.
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>> riak-users mailing list

Sean Cribbs <>
Sr. Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
riak-users mailing list

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